School Shootings & Guns

This can be a touchy subject for having went to high school in the 90's and experiencing two active shooters on campus (at separate times) and loving the second amendment which includes guns.

First and foremost lets touch on GUNS. We have to understand that guns don't kill people, people kill people, with guns. I am not a fan of "Bump Stocks" even though with practice you can replicate the effect without the hardware. Also quick hands can use a pistol with multiple magazines and have the same outcome. AR does not mean ASSULT RIFFLE, it stands for arma light, meaning light weight I believe. It just looks scary, just a regular riffle with some fancy hardware on it. In USA it is just about impossible to obtain a fully automatic gun, it takes crazy vetting and all types of licensing, and even then its just about impossible. The 2nd Amendment was not put in place with the idea to protect our hunting rights. The ol' fellas who built this nation came from an oppressed environment. So the right was created so that if the day (god forbid) ever came the citizens can defend themselves from a tyrannical government foreign or DOMESTIC. We see this happening all around the world to helpless citizens of nations run by horrible governments.

The solution to improvement.
Here's where I believe there is room to improve and we must. The schools we send our children to are too wide open. They are set up like college campus'. When you go to the bank or court house there is only one way in and multiple ways out for emergencies. Why do we protect our money and law makers better than our children and our future? The children should be able to go to school and be free to get an education while felling secure and safe. One way in through a deputies security check point, and with multiple resource officers on site. These schools sometimes facilitate thousands of children, why not? I would also like to see faculty with extensive training in active shooter scenarios. The faculty willing to make more money should also go through extensive vetting and training and be permitted to arm themselves in their classroom with heavy safety. Smaller class sizes wouldn't hurt either, there's too many that the teachers can't have one on one's with. Most probably pass through some classes just under the radar.
Parenting! Come on parents, stop enabling your children to be entitled little brats. They need discipline and structure, if you can't provide that introduce them to programs like Scouting, or junior sheriffs programs, ROTC. I have even seen that kids that are brought up around self defense programs or hunting programs can effectively transfer that discipline towards their academics and studies.

This is our future and change starts with the people. The people need to be more involve in developing our youth at home not just sit back and let the school take care of it. The people should raise their concerns at the local levels where accountability starts, like the people who control where the tax dollars go, and the people that can influence legislation positively. School board meetings, County commission meetings, and callings your local representatives. Change starts with us, Improvement starts with us!

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