Want to protest 'shithole' cities. Why not stage a 'shit in'?

I was in a punny mood I guess as I was discussing how people in leftists/liberal locations like San Francisco are moving from such places as they turn into literal shitholes. The problem. They don't learn from their mistakes. They move somewhere else and they start making the same mistakes they made at their former home.

San Francisco literally spawned the poo map app so people could try to avoid parts of town where people might encounter human feces from defecation on the sidewalks and such.

The homelessness rates have skyrocketed and it is not due to being bums. A lot of the homeless have jobs, they just cannot afford the cost of housing. This is not surprising considering some single room homes have sold for over $2.3 million.

People talk about encountering needles on seats in BART which is their transportation system. They made it no longer a felony crime to knowingly have sex with someone when you have HIV without informing them. In other words, it is okay to knowingly give someone a death sentence without their knowing, you might get a small fine.

The cases of hepatitis and many other things have been on a sharp increase. This occurs in other parts of California and in other liberal bastions around the country. San Francisco (silicon valley) simply seems to be the epicenter.

Furthermore, it is a sanctuary city. So even though they have homeless actual U.S. citizens with their share of "dreams" they are focused on sheltering ILLEGAL immigrants (aka invaders), putting them on welfare, DACA, etc and further exasperating the problem they already have.

I live in a northern suburb of Denver. This means I do not actually live in DENVER city where the craziness is spreading.

Denver declared itself a sanctuary city, and I frequently saw homeless people, soup kitchens, etc downtown before they did that.

They also recently made it legal to urinate and defecate on the sidewalks in Denver.

Today I was talking with some co-workers about the fact that Denver was being considered as one of the prospects for Amazon's new HQ2 which is supposed to be decided this year.

This made me wonder if part of the reason we are repeating the same mistakes (definition of insanity) is to try to woo Amazon.

One of my co-workers made this comment:
"@Deva Winblood : We should visit and shit on the BART seats. That way we can feel like a native. "

A minute later I made the following one:
"Now that Denver allows it we should go downtown in mass and have a shit in"

Thus, I came up with the first reference to 'Shit In' as a form of protest I am aware of.

Shit In

It should be noted that human biological waste should be considered a potential deadly biological agent. If it has illnesses and other things it can be hazardous for people to encounter.

Thus, when people like antifa are hurling grenades of human feces and urine at people it technically could be considered a biological attack. It certainly is not PEACEFUL protesting, and is therefore not LEGAL protesting.

Will we begin to see "Shit Ins"?

Any images are clickable and lead to the source I obtained them from.

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