Sunshine Shiba Slice of Life


Bento is such a good boy. He is one of two Shibas who are members of our family. He's always been a sassy, but he's gone under an incredible transformation since the birth of our child at the end of last year.


Even though both our Shiba boys love this baby, I highlight Bento here, because he was the one who goes out of his way to get attention from the kiddo. Baby Dutch officially belongs to him. Immediately after we brought Dutch home, Bento and Sake took up post on either side of me and would not leave me or Dutch. If I was out of the room and Dutch began to cry, they both came and found me.

They would look at me like, "Why aren't you taking care of this?" Even if dad was with Dutch, as soon as he cried, the doggos came to find me. Bento even nipped at the mother-in-law when she was playing too rough with Dutch.


As Dutch has gotten a bit more resilient, Bento has really started to interact with him. He's gotten into the habit of bringing Dutch one of his toys and dropping it in his lap to play with. If I try to take the toy away, Bento gets frustrated, since I am obviously taking away the baby's toy. He lets Dutch grab a fistful of fur and doesn't so much as react. Since he's always been a little reactive, we've been very careful, but he is so gentle.

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Who's a good boy? He's such a good boy.

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