How Media Shapes Our Perceptions On Race: The Latest Edition (Black vs White Killer-Father Portrayal)

Those 'posts' about how differently the media portrays blacks that committ crime vs. whites who commit crime really hit home today with that Latest Post; About the black father who killed a man that followed His Daughter into a restroom .... vs. the white father who killed his Pregnant wife And Both their daughters.

One, really 'could' be seen as a hero; the other a Monster; yet the Media outlets all used the images from the Black father's mugshot; where he does not look his best; But the white father got all the Positive, all smiles, all the family together treatment;

it goes into how the media Shapes how people (of all races) think about race; about whites, about blacks; This is how media, influences whites AND blacks, and all others, to VIEW black people as criminals, and whites as good decent people who, 'if' they do crime, must have had a good reason for it....

It's how judicial systems that rely on 'everyday people as jurors' often let the wrong people go; and lock the wrong people up; all due to the bias in their heads, built up over time, over many years, from one Newscast to another .....

Stand Guard at the door of your mind; talk with your loved ones about the images they see; and how they shape How we think and feel about others; Not everything we "are shown" is the truth; Not within this matrix............

Below, the Media Betrayal/Portrayal I'm referring to, On full display; Credit Shaun King's Instagram Page




When people say there is no racism, please understand how wrong they are. The role the media plays in pushing negative images of black people forward, is very real. We have to discuss how these matters impact us, and also do better of diversifying the people making decisions in media outlets. This has to come to an end.

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