Subway Caves to Muslims....sickening -- HALAL meat, pagan ritual!

MAJOR warning folks!

It looks like we may have another company to boycott.

As reported by the DailyMail, Subway has bowed to the demands of Muslims by removing ham and bacon from over 200 stores. And here’s the worse part: they’ve replaced it with “Halal Meat”.

You might say, that doesn’t sound so bad. But then I’d venture to guess you don’t know what Halal Meat is. It’s a very brutal, pagan and absolutely disgusting practice that requires:

  1. the animal to be killed with a sharp knife by cutting the windpipe and draining the blood while the animal is conscious (hmmm, sounds a lot like ISIS to me!)

  2. shouting Allah akbar three times (also sounds a lot like ISIS to me!)

Don’t believe me? From the DailyMail:

To be halal, the food must have come from a supplier that uses halal practises. Specifically the slaughter must be performed by a Muslim, who must invoke the name of Allah prior to killing the animal. Commonly a person will say ‘Bismillah’ (‘In the name of God’) before repeating ‘Allahu akbar’ (‘God is the greatest’) three times.

The animal is then slaughtered with a sharp knife, by cutting the throat, windpipe and blood vessels in the neck without cutting the spinal cord. The blood must then be drained from the veins of the animal.

Traditionally and according to Islamic scholars an animal must be conscious while slaughtered.

Folks, this is not just some quaint little religious custom. This is outright satanic, pagan worship. And they’ve now forced Subway to participate in it for the supply chain to over 200 stores.

If you can’t recognize how evil this practice is, then you’re not thinking clearly. It’s wrong on both a physical and spiritual level.

Absolutely sickening.


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