Be part of the Brewdog by owning 2 or more shares

A friend sent me a link like the one i am posting here the otherday. After reading all about it, i decided to buy in!

Use my link above and click on the application to become an equity punk like me and thousands of others around the world.

Im lucky as we have a Brewdog bar in our town centre so can get the 5% discount. But ordering online gets me 10% off anyway so its a win win.

Hopefully in the nit too distant future the shares will doible in price, and looking at their information, they seem to be a company with theie heads screwed on (in my opinion).

See what you think and if its for you then please use my referall link above :-).

** i hold no responsibility for any losses that could be made by taking part in the purchase of shares. Shares can go up and down in price at any given moment. **

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