Quote Of The Day - This Is Me!

I see the most awesome quotes pass by every day. But this one really made me laugh... It's like it was written especially for me...

You won't see me post quotes very often. It does happen now and then, but it's more of an exception than anything else.

But this morning, my girlfriend showed me the quote below, and I simply lost it. Simply because it is so.... so ME! 😂

It is so spot on that I decided to make an exception to the rule and share it with you. From what I have heard these last couple of weeks, I'm probably not going to be the only one who thinks this could have been written with me in mind...

I've never come across a quote that was more spot-on! 👍

I really need to get this printed on a T-shirt! 😂 💜 💡

#share2steem #life #psychology #powerhouscreatives #mindset #funny #quoteoftheday #funnyquotes #thisisme #wisewords #insight #insights #overthinking #overthink #blog #funny

It may come across as pretty weird if you're not familiar with the feeling.
I've been suffering from burnout/depression for a couple of years now, mainly caused by my tendency to overthink everything in life. By overthinking every action I take, every decision I have to make, or every possible outcome of a situation I try to predict, I am squeezing out all of the fun.

Even being in a good mood needs some overthinking. Let me allow you to take a peek inside my head:

  • Why am I in a good mood? Do I have a specific reason for that?

  • Am I allowed to feel happy, after everything that has happened?

  • Does this mean I'm actually making progress fighting that depression?

  • Will it last? Or will it be gone again before I know it?

  • Maybe the herbal cures are finally working. ...Or maybe not...

  • What are others going to think when they see me like this? Will they think I have been faking it all this time?

  • How will I feel if that happy feeling is gone again?

  • I'm telling people I'm depressed, still here I am, being happy. Shouldn't I feel guilty?

    I can go on for a while, but I assume you get the idea by now.

It is very tiring, to say the least.

Maybe that's why I enjoyed the quote that much... it made me forget how exhausting this all is, and simply made me laugh. 😂 😂


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