Share Your Shoot by Flatlay Angle



Hai, semuanya!


Mengambil objek dengam sebuah kamera dengan angle flatlay ternyata nggak serumit dibayangkan, lho


Cukup pastikan objek dan lensa berada posisi tegak lurus 90 derajat


Soal bagaimana dengan objek apa saja yang bisa di flatlay, itu tergantung perspektif kita saja


Pastinya mengatur komposisi dna cahaya agar jauh lebih menarik. Sering latihan pastinya





Hi all!


Taking objects with a camera with a flatlay angle turns out to be not as complicated as imagined, you know


Just make sure the object and lens are positioned perpendicular to 90 degrees


How about any object that can be on flatlay, it depends on our perspective


Certainly set the composition and light to be much more attractive. Frequent training for sure





Posted from Instagram via Share2Steem

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