Lets Come And Join Steem Blockchain With Share2Steem

Hello, I am a Steem enthusiast. I have been there a long time and done many things.

In Steem I found many things that I had never found before. Imagine Steem has brought me to a very different world before the international world public. Not only that, in Steem I grew to interact with the international community and build community strength.

We share with each other to build a population of knowledge. Steem encourages people to do social activities through a virtual world without limits. Economic ecosystems are growing so quickly to make changes for their users. Our interactions are mutually beneficial interactions.

Is it Steem? Steem is a social blockchain that fosters the economic ecosystem of the community by rewarding content shared by users. In Steem you can share anything you like. Whether it's your hobby, knowledge or other. Only by publishing content in the form of images, videos and blogs, you will get valuable rewards.

You can do it all without any place and time demands. Maybe just need an internet connection to connect to it. Are you interested in being in Steem? Do you not have a Steem account?

I would like to answer that question. But, if you have to believe in doing this action. So, for more than a year in Steem I have had some experience and knowledge about this platform. I want to share this secret news with you. Remember, this is a secret that I have to throw at the public.

Di Steem has grown various kinds of DApp (Decentralized Application) that have their respective functions. Lately one of the things that most caught my attention #Share2steem. @Share2steem is one of the DApp that is on the Steem blockchain contract which allows people to connect their social media accounts to Steem. So, if you don't have a steem account yet, you can register your steem account for free via @Share2Steem.

Actually, I want to tell you many other things. But not for now. I am preparing a special article to explain about @Share2Steem. If you are curious about how this DApp works, I will share it on my blog.

Let's connect your account via Share2Steem automatically

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Posted from Instagram via Share2Steem

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