ackza's instagram Feed : 2019/03/18 18:20:48

#share2steem #bitcoin over 4000 in the #wallstreetjournal HUGE deal for this to be in a newspaper back in 2017 when it first happened... no one was saying 4000 dollars was ANY sort of psychological milestone back in 2017 and when it happened the price soared past 5k 6k 7k didnt stop till it hit 8k and kept going to 19k before coming back down to 3.5k and now 4k . Since 2017 #banks want to or already have been buying bitcoin, so the next bull run is upon us, but I'm PRETTY SURE the banks want to make their own shit and will end up buying in at the last minute when btc is fucking 30k let's be real JPMorgan are not masterminds just because jaime daimon had corrupt mafia connections during 2009 doesnt make him a genius... fucking boot lickers in 2009 calling him.a genius when jaime daimon is a loser who hasnt innovated in his field, he just had the GOVERNMNET hand him some assets in 2009, and he doesnt experience a life any nicer than the average middle class American. His JPM coin is NOT a blockchain, maybe it has crypto and maybe it's a currency but not even, it's just jpm store credit that's it, and #jpmcoin by #jpmorgan @JPMorgan is a joke and everyone who is an expert in the NEW field of crypto knows this.... #blockchain #cryptocurrency #money #finance #wsj @wallstreetjournal

I repost my instagram feed to Steem with which I see as a gateway for people to bring content to steem and to bring millions of new users to steem to get paid for existing social media

Posted from Instagram via Share2Steem


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