The Healing created when Shaman Collide

Just prior to my recent jaunt to the land of legal vices; I spent some time with a shaman and a druid. We connected in nature at one of the most sacred healing sites in ireland. Each of us were going through our own turmoils, careful not to feed them on to others but still being authentic with them.


I watched and was impressed as the druid came into her power to ask onlookers for private time so we could have our own healing circle without interruption which in turn allows for a stronger connection to source and our intention. This was beautiful to see and something i am and will be using more on my own journey... The self realization that i am allowed to take my own space and not have to give in to the whims and wants of others... There's a fine line in all things but to be truly selfless you also have to have your own established set of self love principles.


I was in physical pain. The best way to describe the pain would be known as 'blue balls'. I had an usual amount of energy build up in me. The night previous i was having sporadic energetic body orgasm convulsions. Similar goings on were occurring while at the tree of the fae. We had candles lit, singing bowls and a good drumming session which allowed us all to tune in to the natural energy of this place... It does sit on natural ley lines after all. Amazingly, as the druid placed her hand to the ground beside the tree and the candle the energy shifted as did the internal connection we felt. She removed her hands and the feeling ceased to exist. I asked her to replace her hands to the ground and the sensation reappeared.

Later on back at home the shaman offered me a healing. I accepted. I had at the time a stuffed crow and a plush toy turtle; setting the scene for the spirits of the animals to come in to provide a healing space. When a healer gets healed sometimes they can get in the way of the healing. We connected first and she intuited an area of soul loss in my life. During the healing i was able to enter that space needed to retrieve a part of my soul and fully integrate it back; she was able to locate and remove the energetic parasitic entity and we deduced that it was feeding off of my sexual energy and chi and it had appeared in my life due to a feeling of being a burden, it played on my self worth and removing the entity removed my blue ball syndrome instantaneously.

My own simultaneous soul retrieval journey brought me to my five year old self. I nurtured him and explained that it is safe to return and that he would have all the love and care needed upon his return. He gifted me a book in the spiritual realm, i could see the colours but not the title. After the healing i was drawn to take the shaman and to offer her a book, she was drawn to one but myself, i was drawn to one i had never seen before... It was the one the boy had gifted me in the spiritual and it was made manifest in the physical. I took it and gave thanks and shed a few tears from the beauty of the situation and the magick that the universe provides us with when we begin the great work as a journey of healing ourselves in the process of becoming our highest good


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