
Shamanism was and is the the end of being a spiritual seeker.

In the roads I travelled I encounter recipes in all religions and most of the spiritual paths to personal development and enlightenment.

Most, if not all, of those paths were hierarchical, have a "middleman", I prefer to call them spiritual bouncers, but most people call them priests, missionaries, monks, and gurus, to control the access to the world of spirit. Is this freedom?

I really prefer to explore by myself the spiritual landscape and learn as I go along, without without dogma in a spirit of discovery and awe (and some fear too).

My point is, if todays physics claims that the Universe has 11dimensions, and we are aware just of one of them, and even so, what we know of this physical universe is just around 5% (the rest is dark energy and dark matter), what can we expect of the non-physical universe, the universe of the mind, which is totally unchartered?

We are on the verge of a new renaissance or total destruction. Either we all follow the path to become Darth Vaders (cyborgs, enhance humans, or transhumans), or we leap into a higher humanism, where searching for new spiritual dimensions of existence and meaning will be the main goal, and we can then become Spiritual Indiana, exploring realms of existence not yet known.

That is why Shamanism opens the door to courageous exploration of trans-spiritual realms, and doing so become more Human, and start a new golden epoch of existence in out planet that will be remembered for the eons to come.

So, in which team do you want to play: the Darth Vaders or the Spiritual Indianas?

By Jaime Grace

Art by Graham Hancock

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