A shamanic journey: What is shamanism and what is not?

Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice that has been present in various cultures around the world for thousands of years. It is a way of connecting with the spiritual realm and the forces of nature in order to heal, gain insight, and find guidance. At its core, shamanism is about accessing a state of consciousness that allows one to communicate with the spirit world and bring back wisdom and healing for oneself and one's community.

One of the defining features of shamanism is the use of shamanic journeys. A shamanic journey is a method of inducing a trance-like state in which the shaman can communicate with the spirit world and receive guidance, healing, and insight. There are various ways to induce a shamanic journey, but the most common method is through drumming. The steady beat of the drum creates a rhythm that helps the shaman to enter a trance-like state and journey to the spirit world.

The purpose of the shamanic journey varies depending on the individual and their intentions. Some people may journey to seek healing for themselves or others, while others may journey to gain insight into a specific problem or to receive guidance for the future. The spirit world is seen as a source of wisdom and guidance, and the shaman acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms.

While shamanism is an ancient practice that has been present in many cultures around the world, it is important to note that not all practices that are labeled as "shamanism" are authentic or traditional. There are many contemporary practices that have been developed or adapted from the original shamanic practices, and it is essential to distinguish between what is authentic shamanism and what is not.


One example of a contemporary practice that is often labeled as "shamanism" is the use of psychoactive substances such as ayahuasca or DMT in order to induce a shamanic journey. While these substances can have powerful effects on the mind and have been used in traditional shamanic practices in some cultures, it is important to note that the use of psychoactive substances is not a necessary or defining aspect of shamanism.

Another example of what is not shamanism is the use of shamanism in commercial purposes. Sometimes, people use this spiritual practice to sell products or experiences, they don’t have the right to do so. This is disrespectful of the spiritual tradition and also, this can cause harm to people, who are looking for genuine help and guidance.

It is also worth mentioning that shamanism can take many forms and have different meaning in different cultures. For example, in some societies, the shamans had a very powerful role in the community and the society, in others, the role of the shaman was more restricted. Some cultures have a specific way of initiation, others have different methods. Therefore, when exploring shamanism, it is important to understand the specific cultural context and tradition.

Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice that has been present in many cultures around the world for thousands of years. It is a way of connecting with the spiritual realm and the forces of nature in order to heal, gain insight, and find guidance. However, not all practices labeled as "shamanism" are authentic or traditional. It is important to distinguish between what is authentic shamanism and what is not and to approach any form of shamanic practice with an open mind, a critical perspective, and a deep respect for the spiritual traditions that it is rooted in.

If you are interested in exploring shamanism, it is important to do your own research and seek out authentic practitioners and teachings. It is also important to approach any form of shamanic practice with a clear intention and an open mind. Remember that shamanism is not a quick fix or a magic solution; it is a way of connecting with the spiritual realm and the forces of nature in order to gain insight, wisdom, and healing.

Shamanism is also not just for a certain group of people, its open for anyone who wants to learn and practice. It is however recommended to work with experienced practitioners or those who have the knowledge, the lineage and the permissions to guide the journey.

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