I Grieve for MYSELF O my brother ... when I heard the news of your martyrdom, I did not mourn for it. By GOD,

I Grieve for MYSELF

O my brother ... when I heard the news of your martyrdom, I did not mourn for it. By GOD,

I do not grieve for that because you have found the promise of your Lord is true. You have returned to the one you love, for whom you have left all the comforts of this world.

You have found your angel, you have found your home in Jannah. You are now flying under the Throne of ALLAH Azza wa Jalla, you are pleased with Him and He is pleased with you.

I am not grieving for you O my brother, but I am grieving for myself. You rejoice with your Lord, rejoice with the abundance of fortune you receive from

Him, but I do not know how my end will end. On the Day of Fear, a day that lasts fifty thousand years, even before the reckoning begins you have knocked on the gate of Jannah, while I stood naked, helpless with fear, the sun was right above my head, and each of us sank into sweat

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