Awaken the Beast Within and Do Not Stop Until You Reach the Destination...

.Hello, dear Steemians!

How far are you willing to push in order to realize your dreams and achieve your goals?

Ask this question and think about the answer that you want to give to it.

Our determination to go after our dreams and put ourselves through the endeavor that is required to realize them is questionable, because our resolve is not as solid or unstoppable as we would like to imagine.

You do want to succeed. You do want to realize your goals and dreams. But you are just not willing to see what it takes to realize them and what you might have to sacrifice in order to achieve them.

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Consider one of your lifelong dreams. Imagine that it is already yours. You have done this hundreds of times, and your reason is quite understandable; it is a beautiful vision.

But have you ever once considered what you will have to actually do in order to realize that vision?

This is the problem with many of us. We do not understand the stakes.

We are more comfortable staying in our dreams and only thinking about all the amazing things success and achievement will have for us, rather than getting out there, getting our hands dirty and actually doing something in order to reach our destination.

As I said, we want success. The only problem is, we do not want it hard enough. There is no sense of urgency in us. We see success as a good attribution to our life, whereas the truth is our life depends on success.

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If you truly want success, do not spare yourself. Do not show your mind ease or comfort, nor clemency or pity. Awaken the beast that is inside you.

The beast that will stop at nothing to achieve all his goals and realize all his dreams.

In this game of life, you are the hunter and your goals are the prey. Be wild enough to chase after them with the utmost determination and resolve.

Work in a way that inspires the people around you and leaves them with awe and wonder.

Show them how powerful you could be were you to simply decide, here and now, to give no quarter and fight as hard as you can to finally gain everything that you have ever wanted.

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Our lives are playgrounds filled with endless opportunities. You have all the precious tools that you need in order to fight for your dreams and take steps to realizing them.

The only thing that remains is your mindset.

Are you willing to do what it takes, or will you die a dreamer?

Awaken the beast within, and go for it!

Go for it with all your ferocity and dedication! It is only then when you are giving it a hundred percent that you will start to see the results of your endeavors!... FB_IMG_1515497712905.jpgFB_IMG_1515481651399.jpg

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