Remove Your Masks

Set your soul free from the chains of your masks!

Beneath the layers of identity and labels, beyond all the physical and emotional attachments, is the very essence of your being. That is who you are. At the core of everything all you have is your consciousness.

But because your consciousness is so immense, when translated into physical form, there are no words to truly describe it. Therefore, all we receive are glimpses of this magnificence.

This magnificence can be seen everywhere. When someone carries passion into a job that they are truly passionate about, it creates a beautiful spiral of positivity rippling out to everyone around them. These people tend to excel far above everyone else and it’s the passion that is the driving force behind it.

If we all have the capability to shine like this, why don’t we see more of this beautiful essence radiating the light within everyone? The answer is that it is hidden behind the darkness of your masks, which you would call your identity.

In this physical reality we are told who we are before we are even brought into this world. For us as individuals, we are given an identity that is created based on the realities of those we are around the most, like our parents, friends and grandparents. When we come into this world our subconscious is taking in information to try to make sense of things. We are most programmable before the age of 7. As part of our defense mechanism, we are trying to formulate an identity that we use in order to survive and thrive.

Many of us go through this world and experience a lot of trauma along the way. This creates blocks, which we could equate to a mask, in order for us to be able to move on and live normally. Even if we haven’t had many traumatic events in our lives, each moment of our existence had a role in creating the many masks that we wear.

The lifelong question that has puzzled mystics and philosophers for thousands of years is the question, “Who am I”?

This is the question that shakes the very core of our being. Because to answer the question in some simple answer is not really possible.

We identify with who we are based on what we like, what we do, who we hang out with, what we eat/drink, our lifestyle and so on. These things mold who we see ourselves as. This is mirrored back to us from others from interacting and communicating. Thus, giving us a better understanding of who we are.

We often become very attached to the masks that we wear because we find comfort in them. We defend our beliefs at all costs to protect this identity. When others bring their perspectives, our protective masks blocks the incoming signals. Thus, rendering us a slave to our masks.

I say masks because there are several layers that must be uncovered. I have been on this path for many years and each year I go deeper into the rabbit hole of figuring out my true identity. One thing leads to another and I venture down other paths realizing more about my purpose here. I learn more about how to connect bits of information that will make not only my life better, but the lives of others as well. I still have many masks to take off. There are also masks within our spiritual identity, which are even harder to identify.

But aren’t these masks good if they are protecting us?

The answer is that they are neither good, nor bad. Because they are simply doing their job, which is a good thing. But it is also important to see the truth beyond what you initially perceive as the truth. Dig deep and you will eventually find the buried treasure within.

Although these masks serve as protectors to keep us safe, it also tends to block out the most important thing of all. The essence of our consciousness that is expressed through both the light and the darkness.

As a society we are taught to suppress our emotions because it makes us look weak. We are taught that we can’t be too vulnerable around others. So many people on this planet have so much darkness suppressed that if they are constantly around the wrong people, it can wreak havoc on their ability to grow. So we think that we must carry this with us the remainder of our lives.

We carry it with us for so long that it becomes that dominant mask that we wear.

But the time has come for us to stop running from ourselves, take off these masks and reveal ourself to the world. The perspectives we gain throughout our lives are invaluable and this includes the darkness that we have tried so hard to suppress.

I have personally noticed soo sooo many people in my life that has experienced depression on some level. Some are constantly struggling, while others have much more sporadic cycles. But it has dawned on me that this suppressed darkness causes us to lose parts of ourselves. This “soul loss” also causes masks to be created to fill that void. We step into these masks because they are all that we have ever known.

But when we muster up the courage to walk in faith and trust in the universe and trust in each other and trust in ourselves, we can transcend this sickness of the collective soul. For so long, people have suffered and many turn to drugs or suicide in order to cope. This is because they are so misunderstood that they can’t bare to look at themselves in the mirror because they are not able to see who they are. The world tries to tell them who they are and this constant programming drives them insane because deep down they know that isn’t who they are.

They know that something is missing, but they don’t know how to get it back and many around them don’t either. This entrapment causes them to either suppress the feelings, numb their feelings with drugs and other things or to check out of life early.

This would not happen if we had more of a sense of community. These problems wouldn’t be so prevalent if we only came together and learned to hold space for each other. We must learn to open up to not only our own darkness, but the darkness of others as well.

Now is the time to speak your truth! Please share your experiences and what you need to say in order to #RemoveYourMasks

What masks have kept you prisoner that you have had trouble being able to overcome? What are some of the masks that you might be struggling to overcome as we speak?

It’s important for us to understand ourselves better in an attempt to understand what we need to do to make ourselves happy. In order to that we must remove our masks and transform our lives! Love and unity my friends! <3

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