SGT Report Finally Figures Out What HIVE is - 'Bout Time!

HUMANITY for the WIN. SGT Report Finally Figures Out What HIVE is - 'Bout Time!

So.... after years of shadow banning and being de-platformed from YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, Patreon, Paypal, MailChimp & Spotify -- and after long since forgetting about Steemit, this guy finally figures out that HIVE exists AND that it's flourishing.

I had no idea that HIVE was a fork of Steemit. Credit to Jeff Berwick for getting that tidbit through my head. Well, just want to say that I'm glad to be here. This is the REAL Sean from the REALSGTreport and I intend to start posting here regularly,

The war against humanity is REAL and the fact that we are winning the information battle in that war just kills them. The enemy is desperate to shut us up and shut us down, but we keep coming back, stronger, every single time. They worship the father of lies which is WHY they HATE truth news and those who share it. But guess what Klaus? GOD WINS. TRUTH WINS. HUMANITY will WIN because we have the Divine spark. And that's exactly what they are trying to extinguish and kill with their vax Bioweapon.

Here's my latest about the Bioweapon with Dr. Ariyana Love. God bless you friends. Stay strong.
❤️ Sean, SGTreport



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