Let's talk about the “sex power" women have over men.

 How are women are privileged in the dating world?

the men are expected to pursuit women, and women can “choose" who they have sex with?

 That women use sex to have power over men? 

That women hold men hostage by denying them sex?

How dare we! How dare we not give men the sex to which they are so very entitled!!!

OK… Let's talk about the “sex power" women have over men.

  1. Traditionally  men are expected to pursue women because Men are supposed to act, and  women are supposed to be acted upon. Men are supposed to make decisions,  and women are supposed to accept. And throughout most human history and  throughout the vast majority of the world, women can't say no to men.  Once marriage is arranged, women have no choice but to go alone with it.
  2. Men  are supposed to pursue women because for the vast majority of history  and throughout the world, vast majority women do not have income or  financial means.
  3. You're not entitled to have a girlfriend or a  wife. You're not entitled to have sex with a woman because you bought  her dinner or helped her move. She said NO to you not because her ego is  inflated. She said NO to you not because you're ugly or poor or  whatever reason you imagine. She said No because she's not interested in  you. And unlike the sex you're not entitled to have, she has every  right to reject a man she's not interested in, and she's not obligated  to give you a reason.
  4. Women do not have privilege in dating  world. Very few men are afraid of being beaten or raped if they reject a  woman's advances. Very few men are afraid of being stalked or harassed  by women. Very few men are cat-called on the streets. Men are much less  likely to face sexual harassment or sexual assault than women. Very few  men are told they should smile more. For men wearing a nice suit is not  considered “false advertisement”, while there're no end of jokes and  complaints about how ugly women wear make up and scare men the next  morning.
  5. A lot of men complain about how feminists don't  encourage girls to be more active in the dating scene. Oh really? Do you  really want girls to be more active or do you only want those pretty  girls to come after you? What about that homely slightly overweight girl  you don't give a shit about? Do you want her to come after you? Do you  have the decency to politely turn her down or are you going to make fun  of her for being such a pig? Who did she think she is?! What make her  think you'd be interested in her? Will you tell your shitty friends  about her and all of you have some cheap laugh about what a foolish and  ugly girl she was?

I know your kind.

You're the “Mr. Nice Guy". You approach girls as a friend while in fact you have zero interests in friendship. You pretend to be interested in her thoughts and feelings while in fact you consider every effort you make to be nice to her as an investment, an investment you have every intention to collect with sex. Since you have invested in her, and she has the audacity to take your “investment", she is obligated to pay you back. When she doesn't, you complain about how she has power over you. How she manipulated you into making the investment but never intended to pay you back with sex.

Oh how dare she! She took your effort, she danged that reward in front of you, she played you!

No, Mr. Nice Guy, she has no power over you. She's afraid to say no to you because she knew this girl who had rejected a guy’s advance and was beaten to a pulp. They had to rush her into the emergency room and she had 9 stitches. So she implied and she hinted. You took all of it as her being flirty, being a tease, or being shy. And you kept pushing.

So no Mr. Nice Guy. I wouldn't think that poor woman have any privilege over you.

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