Why Women Fake Orgasm (2)

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NB#1:This series shall span for the next few Saturdays. Follow up for the full gist. I promise, u will NEVER regret it!

NB#2: I campaign for decent relationships; make your relationship official! Be responsible!

Last Saturday on why women fake orgasm, we x-rayed two points: (1) Tiredness and Stress. (2) You are not doing it right. We shall continue with the following reasons...

3. Suppressed Sexual Desire

Like I usually say, we're sexual beings; anybody who has had a taste of the fruit would want a retaste over and over again. The society has put a restriction on women, they can't really express themselves sexually. For most women, if they enjoyed something during a sexual encounter, they won't be able to ask him to do it again, so they won't be viewed as promiscuous. In a bid to look modest, they neglect their sexual satisfaction, just to make the man feel good about himself, even though he sucks at what he does. This consequently leads to them faking an orgasm. The thing is, women should be free to ask for whatever they want during a sexual encounter. Women have the right to demand for things they like too. Sex is all about giving, right?

4. Past Sexual Abuse

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Women who were sexually abused at one point in their lives, have some kind of phobia for sex. This is psychological. Anytime a man is trying to arouse them sexually, they find it difficult to get aroused. Their first sexual encounter was a terrible experience, so they become psychologically wired to see sex in every way except what it is; they could see sex as a means of enslavement. If they finally give in to it as wives or girlfriends, it would be like an ordeal they have to endure, to make it a worth while experience for their partner they scream and moan as loud as they can.

5. Vagina Mutilation

In some parts of the world especially in Africa, women are circumcised, this reduces their sexual libido. They cruelly cut off the clitoris, this gives her little to no sexual urge. Most times no matter what she does or takes she doesn't feel a thing. She doesn't enjoy sex like other women. For most men, they need the moaning and screaming, she knows it can't happen naturally for her, so she fakes it like she enjoys every thrust.

We'll continue with other reasons next Saturday on #SexualitySaturday.

Previously on #SexualitySaturday:

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