New trend - Russian women increasingly accuse husbands for rape of children.

I've heard thousands of stories about pedophilia and lately many of these stories come from Russia. But the sad thing is that more and more wives or ex-wives are accusing their innocent husbands or ex-husbands for pedophilia on their children.

It seems that Russian women have found "powerful weapon" for getting rid of those men who are no longer welcome or needed in their (women's) lives and may have been even replaced by other men.

I tried to search some stories about this happenings and found some on Russian language. Decided to translate one of them and here it is:

Anton and Sofia

Anton (from St. Petersburg) and Sofia (from Pskov) met each other in 2003 and got married the same year. In her testimony, the spouse says that there was no special love, but according to husband's confession, he did not like the soul in his wife.
In 2007, they had a daughter, Anna (the name was changed). Sophia left the decree early, when the child was only eight months old and caring for the daughter became Anton's main task.

By inheritance from his parents Anton had an apartment in the center of St. Petersburg. The young family settled there. Wife in constant striving to improve living conditions, exchanged and exchanged apartments. As a result, by the time of the divorce in 2012, Sophia was in possession of a two-room apartment in St. Petersburg, and Anton had a studio in Pskov, where Sofia once came from. Apparently, the professional skills of the accountant helped her to profitably solve her housing problem.

Despite the bitter experience of the first marriage, both Anton and Sophia got new families after the divorce. But Anton did not leave his daughter: every weekend they spent together and the child was always waiting for these meetings. In November 2015, Sophia suggested that Anton should give up his parental rights. She argued this by the fact that he has a conviction that could adversely affect Anna's fate. In adolescence, Anton was sentenced to a probation for robbery, explained his lawyer Maria Sharipina in an interview with "", specifying that it was "an ordinary hooligan".

Later Sophia informed Anton that her second husband was ready to adopt Anna, and thus she would not be branded as "the daughter of the convicted". Anton objected and In August 2016 Sophia asked Anton not to come to school on September 1, because the girl "can not have two dads". "Anton was outraged. There was a strong scandal. He said that he would come anyway, and then his ex-wife threatened: "It will come out to you sideways," Sharypina said.

A few days later, law enforcement officers came to Anton. He was arrested at work on charges of pedophilia against his own seven-year-old daughter.

Everything is based only on Anna's testimony, the attorney notes. At first the daughter stated that on August 13, 2016, they were at home with their father.
"Father, seeing that the child feels uncomfortable and itching herself continuously, he took of her clothes and put her in the bath-tube, where he turned on the cartoons for her and went to another room. This was not enough to launch the case. But there are more details to come In the story. On August 26, 2016, the girl reports that harassment has been going on for two years. When asked why she did not tell anyone about this, the child responds: "I was afraid that they would not let me go to my dad," Anton's advocate states.

According to Maria Sharypina, initially the girl claimed that there was no one at home, except her and her father. The defense asked the mobile company for information about the location of a particular subscriber - Anton's second wife, and it turned out that at the time indicated by the girl, Anton's second wife and their children were also at home. After that, Anna changed the testimony, saying that they were all at home.

According to the lawyer (Anton's attorney), the complex examination conducted by the investigation in the "International Academy for the Study of Lies" showed that the child, being under the influence of the mother, says untruth. To the same conclusion came the psychologist, called by the defense. A polygraph specialist revealed that the girl's mother gives false testimony. In addition, forensic psychiatric examination of the father found that he did not have pedophilic inclinations.

"In Anton's computer, seized by investigators, materials of pornographic content were found, but not related to the theme of pedophilia. It is a well known fact, established by many experts that if a man is attracted to an adult woman, then he is not interested in children. In the case of Michael Jackson, the presence of adult pornography was one of the reasons for his acquittal, "notes Maria Sharipina.


At the present time Anton Kazakov's trial is in process.

"He does not believe in justice. If he is convicted for 12 years, then when he comes out, all life will pass. He tells me: I will not be the same person after 12 years in jail, what will I do next? It's such a terrible tragedy. And what will happen to his daughter when she grows up and understands that she is the reason, her father is in prison. She could go out the window! They had very good relations. On examination, she said that she was confused: when she was at her mother's - dad was bad, when she was with her father, her mother was bad, they are always cursing, and she does not know how to behave. And this was said by a child who is seven years old, now she is already eight, "the lawyer resents.

According to her, accusing Anton of such a serious crime, his ex-wife can not turn back. "There is no turning back for her, she is threatened with responsibility for a false denunciation of a serious accusation, so she will go for it till the end," said Maria Sharipina.

She has known her client since childhood, knows him well and is convinced of his innocence. "He is a handsome guy, he always enjoyed success with women, if he had such inclinations, they would manifest themselves over the years that we know each other. But there is nothing for his accusation and can not be, "says the lawyer.

And this is only one case out of many. There are lot more I can write here but I am afraid I can not spend more hours for now. One thing is definitely unclear for me: HOW INHUMAN AND CRUEL ONE CAN BE TO ACCUSE THE FATHER OF HER OWN DAUGHTER AND RUIN THE LIFE OF YOUNG MAN WITH WHOM SHE SLEPT IN THE SAME BED FOR YEARS.

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