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It was originally thought that the woman's body was solely responsible for producing either sons or daughters. Of course, over centuries, this perception has caused many women to suffer both physically and emotionally, usually after having daughters because of the importance that many societies place upon sons. However, we now know that it the man's spermatozoa that determine the sex of each child, though some studies still show that a woman's body's biochemical conditions are also a factor in determining which sperm type X or Y reach the ovum first, and therefore the sex of the baby.

To provide a brief overview, when a woman ovulates an egg, it carries an X chromosome. A sperm may carry either an X or Y chromosome. If the sperm with the X chromosome fertilized the egg, the embryo will develop into a girl (XX). If a sperm with a Y chromosome fertilized the egg, then the embryo will develop into a boy (YX).


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From the foregoing, if will be seen theoretically that the chances of conceiving a baby boy or a baby girl are 50: 50. In reality, international figures, according to McSweeney (2002) show 51%: 49% (or 106 boys for every 100 girls) but boys have a lower survival rate, which leaves the number at marrying age about equal.

What has been established, however, is that Y chromosome sperm and X chromosome sperm exhibit different attributes and unique qualities. And by understanding the properties and behaviours of each type of sperm, environmental-reproductive contingencies can be manipulated to favour the odds of one type of sperm to fertilize the egg and determine the gender of the baby.

Thus, the possible factors that could influence the success of one gender of sperm over the other to fertilize the woman's egg have become the basis of modern natural sex selection theories and techniques. Undoubtedly, the most popular among these techniques is the Shettles Method, which tries to control a number of variables: timing intercourse in relation to ovulation date, use of sexual position, and depth of male penetration. The logic underlying the Shettles Method is that by changing these three aforementioned factors, X or Y chromosome sperm will be offered a differential advantage in being able to reach, and therefore fertilize the egg.

With the discussion so far on Y and X chromosome sperm, I hope you're able to understand how they combine to develop into either a boy or a girl.

In my next post regarding this topic, in Chapter 3, we will be looking at the peculiar properties of X and Y chromosome sperms in relation to biochemical conditions of women's bodies; those conditions that favours the growth of specific Sperm type against the other.

All the references relating to this book has been compiled under Bibliography and will be published at the end of the series

Thanks for reading, and I hope you will follow me @eurogee for more on this important subject.

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Yours 'Naija" boy @eurogee


Image Source: @eurogee

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