how i slept with over 200 beautiful girls, and how you could too!

That title is a bit misleading but when you get to the end i reveal a secret:)
For new readers beautiful is a subjective term, and really subjective a lot of the time! Also: this is not intended to enable homosexual hookups or, disable them, or even define them, that really isnt ny business, as I'm not gay and have only slept with two guys that i know for sure are, were, i think. Anyways this is gender neutral stuff... except the sean hannity - tucker carlson thing in 342 -349 and, spoiler alert, its a fake bow-tie but thats a real bat and one hell of a first date for those two lovers or anyone with that much ghb and the lack of any good sense with regards to how much you do at one time, riveting stuff there....
IF YOUR OVER 30 WHEN READING ABOUT POSITION 1-9 on the first date substitute the word "opponent" for "partner" and the part that says "continue", substitute "stop, and dont do any more, and take everything out of each other you may have put in or on each other and make a note of any missing items or uncomfortable "feelings" that may require professional intervention to prevent long term suffering or shame". POSITIONS 10-432 with very few exceptions can all be read as "partner" or "opponent" depending on the size and overall disposition of said person.... so long as you remain open minded and no one is taking unauthorized video that could make its way to your "Real" partner otherwise just use opponent for plausible deniability, wont stop them from leaving you but it will give you some wiggle room in court if it goes that far! :)
Allright lets get to it, buckle up, strap in, and get ready for it, This is some crazy shit!

Driving is a privilege. Driving, is a privilege? Driving is a right! under the right of liberty which includes the expressed article of possessing and disposing of property (use is disposal) as one sees fit.
But let's say for argument's sake that it is a privilege. Then from the first day of 1903 in New York when the first driver's license was issued until thirty-five years later when nearly every state had implemented the same, the law was void Ab Initio, due to the obvious violation of the privileges and Immunities clause in the constitution.
Article 4 sec 2 “the citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states."
Is there something in that very simple sentence that can be misconstrued to allow the elimination of the “rights” of citizens of one state, by calling them a privilege, and then in a backwards construction of law, force the other states to limit the so called ‘Privileges’ of its citizens to match the citizens of new yourk, who were deprived of their privilege, and not protected against its loss, as the law so clearly states is its only valid purpose.
When we take a minute to go back in time and look for a reason why the US is in the shape it is in today, one need look no further than the 3 branches of government back in the early 1900’s when they camr together to give eachother unimaginable power that was previously denied to them by our constitution. With every passing year they use this usurped power to limit our freedoms while giving them even more power to tax, jail, and keep an eye on our every movement so they can eventually tax that as well.
The power to tax is the power to destroy! That was the feeling of our founding fathers because they saw the eventual encroachment into every walk of life if left to powers that be, to raise money through the taxing of everyday activities. the obvious question would be where would they draw the line, and the answer is even more obvious, they wouldn't!
There are 2 general principles that every person who considers themselves to be an American Citizen to consider with regards to this situation, and the spillover it has manifested.
The first being that: to comply with any law that is in direct contradiction the constitution of the United States is an act of treason against the US. That starts as an act of treason by Congress that was approved by the executive and enforced by the judiciary, against every citizen in the united states, from 1903 to present. Under Us code 18 sec. 241 it reads:
If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of theUnited States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or
If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—
They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
That's how serious the deprivation of rights is in The United States, but only if they are held to account for their actions.
Some would argue that your having a drivers license creates a contract that states you voluntarily agree to this treatment, and as such, through tacit consent have waived their liability under the law.
Bringing us to the second consideration for any American Citizen on this matter: Contracts. The law of contracts has three compulsory components for any contract to be enforceable 1. that you knowingly and voluntarily entered into an agreement. 2 That all the terms were clearly defined and understood by both parties. 3 that consideration existed, and that was returned in the form of a payment, for the “value” that the consideration was believed to be worth.
You and I were told from the time we were old enough to talk about the driver's license. How and when you could get it. The things it would allow you to do, and the responsibility that it carried with it.
However that's propaganda. Were you ever told what the terms and conditions that go with it are? No, Because your parents didn’t know what they were when they signed up, so how could they? So strike contract no. 1 component and for good measure no.2. Have you ever been told of the value that your license gives you? I'll give you a minute or 2 to think: what is the value this thing, you are REQUIRED to have, gives to you, and fulfills the compulsory “consideration” part of this contract you are told binds you?
DOO DOO doo doo doo dee doo, doo doo doo doo do to do do do,s do ..... Ok what did you come up with? The Privilege to drive? Nope, that privilege is not a taxable item. Is it then for Identification purposes? No. Unless you forget who you are or where you live, that “value” would only exist to someone else who wanted to know who you are but wouldn't take your word for it! I'll spare you the myriad suppositions, no consideration or value exists for you, by any stretch of the legal sense of the term. Its a laminated piece of paper that others may indeed value that you have it but it offers you absolutely nothing you didn't have before you got it. That is why you have been brainwashed into thinking you need it, can't get by without it, must present it upon request from any peace officer, etc... The trick is to make you perceive it's valued and therefore never question it.
The amount of money that the states amassed didn't start or stop with the drivers license, the DMV was created and actually considered under the Department of Transportation to be the fourth branch of government, and the best one because it was created through legislation with no constitutional oversight, no pesky rights to consider, and as it is state by state it has managed to fly under the radar since its inception which started out as a land grab across the entire nation of private land that was taken from private owners under an Easement or Fee Simple Title process that made up its own rules as to what it could take(anything) from whom(anyone) and the stated benefit to the public was the use of the roads by all. As an easement, they were ingress in, and egress out, of every town, road, alley, street, or freeway and for that purpose they couldn't restrict the use of anyone from the roads. It was our lands that supplied the foundation and our tax dollars that paid for the planning and eventual system we have today. The government didn't pay for a single mile of its construction we the people paid every penny.
Like the Rail Roads, this made an extremely large bunch of money for a lucky few, and that was tolerated because from its beginning they realized the revenue they would illegally generate in the years to come from this venture. It was and still is the biggest part of the government, and still to this day is not approved or mentioned anywhere in the founding documents of our government and that explains why you may feel like a victim when you are given a ticket for something you didn't do. That you are forced to pay, no matter what, or how much, or you will be fined, incarcerated, restricted from driving, possibly lose your job, then your house and all that, without one constitutional protection, because the entire system was created outside of constitutional authority and thus protection from government abuse, of the citizens, that it was written specifically to limit.
That's the “in a nutshell” version of the story. Its a nuanced amalgamation of diverse people and motives that takes honestly months if not years to fully understand and unravel, if your interested i would suggest looking into the constitution and trying to answer this: The bill of rights comes first, to protect rights considered to be so fundamental they don't require enumerating, but they enumerate some anyways and then put them after the articles they were supposed to precipitate. Then come to the articles, not second, but first, explaining our three branches of government and outlining their duties to the American People. Amongst the articles, you will come to article 4 sec. 2 “The Privileges and Immunities clause”. It’s not clear what these privileges and immunities are, they arent defined but each citizen has them and that's all that is clear. Then the Amendments, the first 10, the Bill of Rights, surely did not mistakenly get named that, they are not calling them at this point the bill of privileges and immunities. If you look up the words you will find very descriptive different explanations of each word so clearly one is not the other. Further down the Amendments list, you will come to No. 14 and that's where this starts to go south. Amendment 14 sec. 4 Privileges and immunities ( Unexplainedly written in our constitution a second time, and undefined as to what they are just as the first was and is)
So the legislature after writing it in decide that they don't know what Privileges and Immunities are and set about the process of figuring that out. Naturally, a privilege is a right and people have them and some even have immunity from them so privileges and immunities are really rights and so as such they fall under Congress's constitutional responsibility to make sure they are enforced by legislation. The Enforcement claims, no matter how you twist them, were never supposed to limit our availability to these “things” congress just took control of, but to ensure each and everyone was available to everyone equally, forever. The law of “statutes” controls the use and definition of” things” things are owned, they have no “rights”, their creation is at the will of the government to be taxed, held(incarcerated)and even disposed of at their leisure. That is the existence you and I share today, we are things, “chattel” or slaves in the true sense of the word, and there are no two ways about it. You are born given a BiRTH CERTIFICATE with your name in all capital letters, and a corresponding SSN with the same, making you a Corporation or Fiction for legal purposes and from there you are owned, till the day you die, by the corporation of the United States. From the very first DAY YOU APPLY FOR A JOB, A LICENSE, or any other thing that you sign your name to in your own hand you have accepted this condition they call CitIZEN-SHIP and congress controls all “ships” all the Navy, anything that goes by way of water throughout the US falls under their control. Congress appointed a judge for your TOWN-ship and he is the acting captain. your ticket is a DOCK-et, your name is called, and you answer, you take the Identity of the fiction they are going to convict of some crime. if you look at that DOCK=et you will see your name in all CAPITAL letters, but it sounds the same when its spoken, so you say “here” and walk through the doors onto the ship and on that ship the captains word is final, and through tacit consent, implied consent, or an overt act that shows you comply voluntarily they have you. Your public persona, if you will, is that of a representative for all purposes legal that may come about. Look for fun with a magnifying glass at your checkbook on the signature line (Its not a line :) its microprint, and it says “Authorized Representative Authorized Representative Authorized” but to you it looks like”________________________________” and your check name JOHN D DOE, All capitals again, coincidence?
Once you get started with trying to answer the question: how something as ubiquitous, and seemingly harmless, as a license to drive, became the thing that lead you to question every motive of every word that comes out of every politicians mouth, from that moment on.
Or if you have bothered to read this, and just say what the fuck, it works for me, as is your right, for now, as an American, you will at least know why they pass legislation that says you can't get an abortion, or you must vaccinate your children, or you cant protest Israel, or chose not to have a 5 G cell tower in your front yard to complement the smart meter that is pulsing EMF through your head right now, that you could not refuse, and are forced to pay for. And now since you know you may chose to live with the way it is, but you will have to make a conscious choice to pass on this information to your child, in the way your parents passed it to you, but you will not have the excuse they did, “That they simply didn’t know” the information wasn't available to them, and the situation hadn’t really demanded anyone address it, but today is a different time, and the world we are leaving our children is a far worse place than we were given in spite of all this convenience we now pretend to enjoy. That same convenience is what will eventually be teaching your children's children what to believe because what you chose to relinquish today, your children won't even know existed when its time to pass their knowledge on and that's the legacy of our complacency and fear to say enough is enough.

Secret I wrote this entire thing and didn't spell check it at all because the information is so universally known that seeing it written is redundant but i did it anyways i hope you enjoy it and feel free to criticize the fuck out of me if you read the whole thing then i will take all the abuse you can give me and thank you for it! Have a great day!

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