The Impact of Sexual Guilt on Your Consciousness & Reality

I would love to share an important insight with you today. It's about the impact that your beliefs around sexuality have on the vibration and quality of your state of consciousness. And, since the foundation of the Law of Attractions also states that your own personal experience of reality is an exact mirror of your state of consciousness, this small insight may have a hug impact on the quality, richness and fulfilment of your life. So here we go.

Metaphysics, Consciousness & Energy Centres

We have our body and our mind. But we also have our consciousness and our energy centers. The more open and balanced these energy centers or chakra's are, the more conscious, connected, energetic, and alive we feel. We have more vital energy, chi, prana or simply life force flowing through our energetic body, with a state of consciousness that vibrates closer to the speed of love, harmony and unity as a natural result . Blocked and unbalanced chakra's will result in a personal experience that feels more separate, fearful and dark. Something I think we all try to avoid.

So how do we open and balance our chakra's? Our chakra's, as everything in our universe, are influenced by the frequencies of our thought. For example, setting a conscious intention be grateful for certain aspects of our life, will automatically open up our heart chakra with a natural feeling of inner peace as a result. Another simple example; setting the intention to cook a healthy, delicious meal for ourselves, will automatically open up our sacral and solar plexus chakra, since this is an action that requires willpower and is a proof of self love. This is all nice and well, but what do our beliefs around sexuality have to do with this? Let me explain.

Root Chakra: Survival & Sexuality

Our most dense energy center, located at the root of our spine, the root chakra, is the very first energy center through which the vital energy flows up from the earth. It's about our feeling of security and survival on one hand, but also has to do with how feel as sexual beings. Healthy beliefs around our survival, security and sexuality result in a balanced, open and healthy root chakra. This open root chakra will reflect experiences that resonate with these positive beliefs around survival and sexuality. On top of that do our beliefs around sexual activity and our sexual activities also influence the second, third and fourth energy center.

But this is not the only reason an open root chakra is important. It's also here that the infinite supply of life force coming from earth meets our personal energetic body. Blockages in this first energy center greatly reduce the total amount of life force flowing through the rest of our energetic body. Let's for example say that, you're root chakra is only 25% open (it's not like that but just as an example). This would mean that 75% percent of the energy that would normally flow through the root chakra to the second chakra (and on to the other 6 chakra's) is now being blocked in the very fist center of your energetic body. This will prevent the energising of your higher chakra's, and thus reduce that quality of your state of consciousness and your life. But let's return back to the main topic of this article, sexuality.


Do you feel a subtle amount of shame when thinking about sex? Or do you feel guilty after masturbating? Or do you even feel slightly uncomfortable reading these sentences? That's a sign indicating that your current beliefs around sexuality are limiting you in some way. These limiting beliefs not only prevent you from experiencing sexuality in a healthy way, but they also distort your view or reality, since beliefs are the invisible creative forces that make up the world around us.

But don't worry, almost everyone has picked up these negative beliefs around sexuality when they were young. We picked them up when we weren't conscious enough yet to contemplate on information for ourselves. We got to believe that sex is somehow a sinful thing. Something not to talk openly about. Something to be ashamed about. Religion warns us to wait with having sex after our marriage, or else we'll get punished in some way. Our parents don't tell us the beautiful truth when we asked them where babies come from, and mainstream society confirms these shameful beliefs around sex through media, movies, marketing, series, etc. This subconsciously resulted in limiting beliefs around our sexuality. So how do we get rid of this shame and guilt? How can we can open up our root chakra and live more authentically, freely and consciously? Glad you asked.


As I mentioned earlier, your chakras influenced by your thoughts. Since your thoughts stem from your beliefs, we have to contemplate on the origins of sex. What is sex? Is it really bad? Is it really something to feel ashamed about?

You can do this for yourself, but I do wanna give you some very important pointers that massively helped me along my journey.

  1. The first thing I did was change the words I used. Sex is used a lot to trigger this guilt, so if you replace the word sex by intimacy for example, it starts to sound much more beautiful, pure and natural already.

  2. I think we can also agree on the fact that at least 99% of the people love being intimate.If that many people love it, it can't be bad. It is indeed part of our spiritual path. We need to be intimate in order to feel fully healthy, inspired and fulfilled. Not only is it one of the most enjoyable things in life, but we human beings also need intimacy; it greatly enhances our health, inspiration, self-worth and our feeling of being connected.

  3. Sexuality is the the primal force of our nature. It is the creative & divine force that creates all life on earth. Sharing our sexual gifts is an act love. It leads to healing and fulfilment. It is an essential aspect of being human. Sex is divine.

Contemplating on the points above will align your beliefs around sexuality closer to the truth. This will automatically open up your root chakra. To do this even further, you'll also to accept yourself sexually, something you have to do yourself, but an healthy general view on this topic helps massively to open up your root chakra and experience life in a more natural, open, conscious and connected way.

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