Why are Gays And Lesbian often looked Down Upon?

The orthodox way of life is begining to go extinct gradually.As man evolve so is our way of life and the way we see things,gays and lexbinism have been in existence from time immemorial, but because 85% of man on earth are straight, it is then branded as immoral, those who indulge in it are regarded with contempt and hate.

The time has come to change the way we see each other.
Let us reason together?
A child that was born attains the age of 16 and exhibit female tendencies, the question is this?

Is the boy at fault?
The answer is "NO"a lot of stuffs occurs in our body system, hormonal imbalance, etc.

The boy just happen to find himselve that way, and trust me when I say that he finds it hard to cope.

Most often they feel trapped, In The form they are born, and they begin to 're-adjust.They are often close to people who do not look down on them.They feel confident telling them there challenges.

Most gays,lesbians are trapped in countries who do no see them as humans or sane beings.So they have to hide, and they are miserable all there life's.

Some have to live a fact life by marrying the opposite sex.They live a fake life.and they often find fulfillment when opportuned.

The week out each other and are in close contact.For countries that abolish this act , it hard to survive without being caught.

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Some gays still get killed, beaten,and imprisoned for reveing there sexual orientation.

For the unlucky one he is made to face stiffer charges and. Long sentence.Including the stigma.Most gays/lesbians may need to relocate from there current place of aboard.They live a life of pain and they can not understand how it came to be.It's a complex issues am keeping simple.

Let us appreciate them for who they are*

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