Testicles Fall Off After Sex


This is very common. After sexual intercourse, the testicles could even explode. This happens every day, all across the world. It must really suck to be a bee.

The male bees testicles burst into a creamy explosion of sticky mass upon ejaculation. The penis also becomes detached in that tiny little vagina of hers. After the explosive ejaculation, the male bee falls to his death. This brings a new meaning to busting a nut.

This causes the female bees cute little vagina to remain tightly sealed. Since it is sealed, no other male bees are able to gang rape her. This process ensures that the male who originally "tore it up", gets full credit and is able to continue his bloodline.

Thank God I am a human. If this had happened to me when I lost my virginity, I would been pretty upset. I am thankful to still have my penis and balls. It must suck to be a bee.

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