Demon Hunter | Book 1 Prologue (1) | If Life Was Like When We First Met


War wiped out an entire era, yet war created a new world as well.

No one knew exactly when it started, but the nights were no longer shrouded in darkness.

Under the curtain of night, two small, dim glimmers emerged in the distance. They drifted about in the air.

Thick, dark green sewage that consistently released its dense putrid odor flowed everywhere around the area encompassed by these fireflies’ weak lights. The sewage emanated a dismal green glow even in places that were relatively darker, lighting up a small region. Other than the unbearable filthiness of this place, the most dangerous aspect of this place was the radiation present in the sewage which could be found everywhere.

Within the puddles of accumulated sewage, pieces of cloth that had long lost their original colors, thoroughly rusted pots, rotting corpses of unknown creatures, and all types of filthy things floated up and down. 

From time to time, giant rats over a meter in length would emerge from unknown locations, screeching as they rushed past the sewage before disappearing into the darkness again. The enormous rats seemed almost unaffected by the radiation that was strong enough to kill a robust horse. However, pieces of flesh and hair would occasionally fall from the enormous rats’ bodies, and upon closer inspection, one would find that the flesh had long rotted. It seemed like not even the giant rats were completely unaffected by the radiation.

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