"Hearts Full of Love" - Sevendaysoflove Original Content

"The most useful asset of a person is not a head full of knowledge, but a heart full of love, with ears open to listen, and hands willing to help." -Unknown


My post is a combination of "heart-art" I created using cut out heart shapes of construction paper that I glued onto a sheet of ivory colored corrugated paper. Next, I whirled Elmer's glue randomly over the hearts and shook gold glitter freely onto the wet glue, gently shaking the paper back and forth so the glitter stuck. Lastly I removed any extra glitter by turning the artwork upside down. After the heart art dried, I took a photograph using my smartphone. Prior to posting, I did a little digital enhancement using Tool Wiz to add a few hearts.🎨

As far back as I can remember, I have always enjoyed doing anything creative and artistic. My earliest school-age art memory involved getting into trouble in kindergarten for coloring the inside cover of my 10-piece Crayola crayon box. Seriously? I was just expressing myself, teacher!

When both of my children were young, I always made a point of doing seasonal art projects with them at home. Even when they had classmates over for playdates, I'd encourage drawing and creative art. I believe everyone has artistic talents!

This is my entry for Day Six of The 7 Days of Love Challenge hosted by the beautiful @deadgrlsuppastar.
The theme is to post a photo of hearts.♡❤♡
Learn more by clicking here 7 days LOVE

Also posting for the
Love Heart Contest by @photoquest
Image taken with Samsung Galaxy S8 Note
© 2018 Nina Haskin. All rights reserved



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