What's Up Spongebob // Met Bobo Spongebob

Here we are on Day 3 of gratification for #7daypositivitychallenge 😉

Apparently I do have a lot of positivity in me, well I do, but who likes to type it down always, right? 🤣 Good that this challenge is only for a week. You can do this TKF!

For Day 3, am tagging 2 of my fellow witnesses since I see they are doing #ulog, means they can spare time for gratitude challenge 😉 @jackmiller, @quochuy and the very funny and awesome lady @linnyplant 💗

So what's on the gratitude plate today?

Video call!!!

Whoever came up first with the idea of video call was it Skype? I don't remember anymore.

Anyhoo, thanks to the ability of video call, distance means nothing in a way or two, just like Charlie Puth says, Superman has got nothing on us, when (almost) everyone is just one call away, and even better with video call 😉

It bridges families and loved ones, when one is away from home, for school, for work, for the country, etc.

As I mentioned the father of my child is abroad atm, and the boys always need to see their father first, before going to bed. Thanks to video call, they go to sleep with smiles and sweet dreams, after seeing and talking to their father. Even Spongebob always expects to see father's face too, you know 🤣

It has been a great help whenever my youngest son and I could not attend Taekwondo belt testing of my oldest, the father would video call us, muted obviously, so we could "be there" and see it live 😁

It also helped much when my husband was hospitalized and missing his babies but kids weren't allowed to come to the hospital, video call to the rescue 👍👍👍

So (to the first) video call inventor, I thank you 🙌🙌🙌🙌

Please scroll down after the Indonesian translation for previous days of this challenge

  • Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated.
  • Mention three people who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post --> I use #sevendaypositivity instead as numeral tags only work on busy
  • Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.)

VOTE me as your witness at https://steemit.com/~witnesses. On the provided box, type thekitchenfairy and click VOTE


Find me on Discord, being friendly on #teamcanada, #teamaustralia, #thealliance, #vegansofsteemit, and helping new comers on #indonesia

Eh sudah hari ke 3 aja nih.

Sudah 2 hari belakangan ini, aku ikutan challenge 7 hari unggah 7 hal yang positif.

Hari 1 aku unggah tentang perayaan Hari Ayah, hari 2 tentang panci ekspres (namanya juga mak2 🤣). Dan hari ini?


Orang Indonesia pasti deh amat banyak yang suka sarana video call, baik di whatsapp, LINE, atau segala yang ada videonya deh, misalnya tiktok 🤣

Bagiku video call t-o-p b-g-t terutama buat mereka2 yg sedang berjauhan dari keluarga ataupun orang terkasih, agar bisa tetap berkomunikasi, yang tentunya lebih afdol kalau bisa saling lihat wajah. Misalnya tentara yang sedang tugas jauh, keluarga yang sedang menunaikan ibadah Haji, dll.

Biasanya kami pakai video call saat anak2 jauh dari bapaknya dan ga mau bobo sebelum ngobrol dengan bapak mereka 😁

Anakku yang bungsu sering nunjukkin mainannya pas sedang video call, dan semalam waktunya untuk Spongebob 🤣

Oke deh, itu dia Hari Ke 3 untuk #7daypositivitychallenge ini, dan karena setiap hari aku kudu pilih 3 korban berikutnya, ikutan main yuk @bangrully, @sentanu74, @rastaufik10

Nih petunjuk mainnya

  • Tuliskan hal yang positif, misalnya rasa suka, terimakasih, sayang dll
  • Unggah hal positif yang berbeda2 setiap harinya, selama 7 hari kedepan
  • Tunjuk 3 orang yang berbeda setiap harinya juga, untuk ikutan main
  • Jangan lupa pakai #7daypositivitychallenge (kalau pakai aplikasi busy, atau #sevendaypositivity kalau pakai website Steemit)
  • Dan ikut sertakan foto yang sesuai dengan hal positif yang kamu unggah

VOTE thekitchenfairy sebagai saksi (witness) di https://steemit.com/~witnesses. Dalam kolom yang tersedia ketik thekitchenfairy dan klik VOTE


Aktif membantu pendatang baru di channel #indonesia di MSP PAL Discord

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