Seven Day Beer Challenge: Day 1 - Naughty Neighbour

The Beer

To kick off my week of compulsory beer drinking, I bring you Naughty Neighbour, which I think is beer click-bait (at least I'm hoping).

I am at a loss to explain why on a shelf of maybe 50 brands, I was drawn to this particular beer -- very mysterious, I must say. I'm open to theories if you have any.

As the can states ...

"Sometimes our neighbours are too enticing to resist!"

"Our award-winning American Pale Ale pays homage to our naughty neighbours to the south."

Whoa! Hang on a minute. Back up the beer cart! Not exactly how I think of the USA. Up to now this had been going so well.


Naughty Neighbour is brewed in Burlington, Ontario by Nickel Brook Brewing Company. Being unfiltered, this beer is a tad cloudy, which I like. 4.9% ethanol is right in my preferred range of 4.5-5%. It's hoppy (IBU of 36 -- nice!) and citrusy (you gotta like citrus) and smells like pine (pine -- wow! my favourite flavour right after spruce, elm, and Douglas fur!).

All the specs look good. "No additives. No Preservatives. Just Science." Oh man, it's a homerun! I love the taste of science!

What could possibly go wrong here?

Day 1 Naughty4.jpg

The Verdict

To be honest, I was hoping for a dud, so I could include a picture of it being poured down the drain, complete with witty comments, snarky remarks, etc. However, I like this beer. It's not bad. Quite hoppy. I might even buy it again.

What are the chances that the click-bait of beer would be drinkable? Go figure.

So, go ahead ... get yourself a Naughty Neighbour.

8.5 out of 10.


  • You have to try a new beer every day, for 7 days.
  • The beer must be something you have never tasted before.
  • You must put a photo of the beer and write a few words about it.
  • Nominate someone every day.
  • If you are a social outcast with no friends to invite you just join the fun. You have every excuse to drink.
  • Use the tag "#sevendaybeerchallenge" as one of your five tags.


Thank You @trumpman for starting this challenge. You da man!

Thank You @churchboy for nominating me. I want to go to your church!

Finally, I want to nominate @ned for this challenge. I highly doubt @ned will ever see this, but hey ... Go Big or Go Home! Maybe if I mention @ned enough times in this post, it will cause alarm bells to sound in @ned's office. Then he will drink beer. @ned @ned @ned @ned

Need more info on Naughty Neighbour? (... who doesn't?) ... it can be found here:

In closing, I just want to say that it's great to be back on Steemit! It has been a long time since I posted anything. The Backyard Games was a hard act to follow. @churchboy gets full credit for waking me from my winter slumber by nominating me for this challenge.

@opaulo ... hic

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