Farewell to my roles in the MSP/PAL Network with love to my friends & family there. Onward & upward to a new adventure. Let's change the world, one person at a time with the help of the block chain community & all of our hearts & minds combined!

Hey Again, Steemitizens!

If you've been following my work with the PAL Network/Minnow Support Project MSP WAVES RADIO streaming radio station on steemit, please be advised that after achieving a roster of nearly 30 unique weekly shows, hosted by nearly 35 wonderful hosts, and having accomplished over 10,000 listening hours across more than 20 countries on 6 continents, I have resigned my role as founder and GM of the station and will no longer be hosting shows there, leaving it in the capable hands of the competent and enthusiastic team I assembled to maintain it's daily operations.

I have also stepped down from my leadership role in the now nearly 5000 member community I helped to build there over the last 4 months. Management and growth oriented disagreements with peers on the senior core team lead to this decision and I wish them the best of luck in their continued endeavors.

But I am not finished on steemit yet. In fact, I am really just getting started.

Inspired by the lives of my own parents, and their tireless decades of service, mission and local outreach work providing clothing and services by force multiplying the resources of more than a dozen churches and hundreds of volunteers over the years, to carry out a mission of helping and empowering the disadvantaged in our own community, lead to my decision to attempt to use modern tools to carry on their work on a global scale, to the best of my own abilities.

I remember being put in a laundry basket like a playpen in musty church basements while they sorted and folded donated clothes and our home often being piled full of hefty bags full of such clothing that mother would tirelessly launder and prepare for distribution. Later I would in turn drive their station wagon hauling loads of clothes to the distribution center myself as a teenager in High School before leaving home as a young adult. Hundreds of thousands of man hours were consumed by the volunteers of that effort and as children we grew up surrounded by it, involved in it, and it would set a tone for our entire lives.

My parents, both now passed on, were eventually recognized for their service work by the Mayor of Vienna, Virginia about two decades ago as citizens of the year, for their efforts, but they never did it for the glory and it was often a very thankless, exhausting job that very much consumed a good part of not only their lives, but also those of us, their children who grew up involved ourselves in various ways, exposed to these values and now, ingrained in us as we live out our adult lives ourselves.

A recent pilot test project I ran with the brave, honorable and admirable inspiration and then the subsequent assistance of @malos10 here on steemit, to raise funds to feed disadvantaged people in economically ravaged Venezuela has been a resounding success so far. It continues and gave me the seed of the idea to go on to work with other venerable members of the steemit community I am rallying and assembling, to build a truly force multiplying boots-on-the ground task force of locally located, trustworthy and service oriented individual and groups to deliver food, clothing, shoes and life changing services to others in need wherever, whenever, and however possible.

Stay tuned as I, with the help of other volunteers I enlist upon the way, begin to build out and execute this cryptocurrency driven, block chain transparency backed initiative with the ultimate goal to lie in constructing an organization that touches lives, one at a time, such that a rising tide, might lift all ships, one person, one day, at a time.

In the meantime, in between time, I will be hosting my final farewell radio show on MSP Waves Radio next monday night, at midnight UTC0/8PM EST and I would be honored if you would join me as I discuss where I have been with the steemit based MSP/PALnetwork community and where I am going from here, into the future.

May you all be blessed with love in abundance in your own lives.

Here is a link to the official MSP/MSP Waves Radio transition team announcement about my resignation and subsequent departure from the Minnow Support Project/PAL Network & MSP Waves Radio organizations:


I will remain available by direct message on the PAL Network discord chat server for the foreseeable future and I am always available here by comment on my future and prior posts on steemit. Feel free to reach out if you have any inquiry whatsoever about this transition or if you just want to extend some friendship or support, which I will happy return, always, with pleasure.

Stay tuned for further announcements about my new service based initiative and steemit based outreach mission project, as details develop and logical junctures occur to make such announcements. I am here to serve. How can I be of service to you?

Thank you for your continued love, confidence and support, as I dive into something so much larger than myself.

Yours, in service,
Corky Kaericher

@SirCork on Steemit.com

Steem Block Chain Witness #88

Former PALNet Core Team Member and Founder/GM of MSP Waves Radio


Just like that, this post is over.

Full steem ahead, steemitizens!

Believe in me and my values and principles also?

Well, I'm a witness (presently #88, thank you voters!) who believes in steem, steemit and YOU!

Vote for me, @SirCork, as witness to show your support.

Witnesses I support:

@anarcho-andrei, @ausbitbank, @clayop, @dragosroua, @drakos, @followbtcnews ( co-witness partner with @crimsonclad ), @good-karma, @gtg, @jesta, @timcliff, @lukestokes.mhth, @neoxian, @netuoso, @pharesim, @reggaemuffin, @roelandp, @rycharde, @someguy123, @steemed, @swelker101, @teamsteem, @thecryptodrive, @blueorgy, @theprophet0, @themarkymark, @sc-steemit

Think you deserve to be on this list too?

Earn my vote. Tell me why!

Be sure to learn what witnesses are and vote here!

All Steemitzens should be choosing their preferred representatives to make reliable, positive, growth oriented steemit.com and steem network decisions for us!

[Post Image Sources] All stock photos seen in multiple search results and located all over the web. Original source sites, and creators, unidentifiable.
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