How AIDA service can be useful to warehouses

One of the main tasks of the AIDA Service is to provide a universal and high-quality product that will be interesting to every participant of the process. And today we will tell you how our service will be useful for warehouse companies.

But first a little background, at the moment the economic situation, the growth of consumer markets, the rapid pace of development of companies brought to the surface of the problem with logistics.

The companies dealing with logistics and warehousing reveal many problems, firstly, the lack of conformity of equipment and premises to the modern conditions required in the market. Secondly, the shortage of skilled personnel in the field of logistics. Also, many manufacturing companies have their own warehouse capacities, independently build their own warehouse logistics, while diverting resources from core activities and because of this, the quality of the services is lax.

But at the same time, the demand for these services is growing every year, due to the economic upsurge of the countries, and various innovations, but still most of the warehouse facilities are empty or agree to provide their services for a lower price.

Service AIDA, in turn, was created precisely to solve such problems. We strive to make our automated sales service number 1 in the world, not only to solve problems, but also to provide the most convenient and fastest way to work between service members.

So, the benefits that will be gained by the warehouses being partners with the AIDA service:

• Orders for servicing the entire network of Aida.Market users. That is a huge customer base. You do not have to look for anyone, customers will find you by themselves.

• Convenient and free WMS accounting system. Becoming a partner of our service, we will provide you with a logistics strategy, all you need is to fulfil your obligations in a qualitative way.

• Timely notification system for you and the customer about loading, shipping and payment. In other words, tracking at all stages.

• Automated workflow (invoice, certificates, power of attorney). It will no longer be necessary to run around companies and departments, the entire process is automated with the help of the AIDA service.

• Saving marketing and sales costs. You as a company will be enough to become a partner, and marketing and sales will be carried out at the expense of the service itself.

• No subscription fees, only royalties on the fact of orders from the service. That is, for the use of the service, companies will not be charged, only in fact of the transaction itself - 1%.

• Planning and analysis of the enterprise in the personal account. In other words, our service will help, namely, to analyze and notify you, for example, in which month, or in what season there will be more orders for one or another product. This will help you further analyze how much free space you should have.

• Automated collection of payments in cash and non-cash for storage.

Service AIDA is a product created to solve problems in business processes on a turn-key basis. Global P2P service for e-commerce market with a volume of more than 1.5 trillion. USD.
Become our partner and simplify your life.

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