Old habits are hard to break

It's taken far too long for me to come to the bright side, a long term internet friend and firm believer in Steemit, threw an invite moons ago.
Reading his posts in the other place about cryptocurrency & mining, how well it is going for him and then discovering the other place is limiting the type of information folks see, well that was enough for me.

I'm Charmaine, a Serigrapher, a mother & a gamer. I have my own studio as well as a collaborative endeavour & a few other ventures brewing.
Studying non-fiction script writing for screen & media on the side, I can tend to get wordy and opinionated but not combative.
Have been brewing a story for children over the past a few decades, fantasy genre, not sure if it can be released here by the chapter? (I shall check after posting this)
I talk about politics & blatant agendas, about Screen Printing & artwork, about whatever I am researching for the undertaken course or whatever else floats my boat.
Thought for the day:
Words are wind, unless you're on Steemit.

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