Serfdom & Sorcery's TERRA: An Item that you want to have. WHY?

S&S is a game being played on Discord and will be a part of WEB3 in no time.

We are currently associated with HIVE, WAX and KOINOS Blockchains.

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It is said, "Slow and steady wins the race."

But, this isn't normally the case in Blockchain and Web3 space, so we believe in "Fast and steady wins the race".

We follow this simple rule at S&S and our development progress shows it too.

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What is TERRA?

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Every item, in S&S, gives players either native tokens $DBLN or some edge on other players, whether it is a Farm, MegaFarm, Ranch, Mining Complex, Cows, Sheep, Dragon, Baby Golem, Nihilith, Fishing Boat, Scythe, et cetera, et cetera... List is too long - TERRA is no different.

In fact, TERRA is the father of all items in terms of giving Perks to the players.


Terra Governance Influence in Serfdom & Sorcery:
Land Voting Rights: Terra holders possess the authority to vote on pivotal decisions within the main continent of Serfdom & Sorcery. This includes the introduction of new regions, land enhancement initiatives, and the determination of land tax structures.

Castle Dynamics: The strategic positioning, architectural grandeur, and expansion capabilities of castles are influenced by the Terra ownership. Holders can dictate castle designs, expansion blueprints, and fortification strategies, ensuring their stronghold remains impregnable.

Withdrawal Fee Structuring: Terra stakeholders have a say in determining the fee structure associated with in-game asset withdrawals, ensuring a fair and balanced economic ecosystem.

Castle Fortification: Terra ownership directly impacts the strength and resilience of castle defenses. Holders can propose and vote on fortification techniques, materials, and strategies.

Architectural Liberties: The type, design, and functionality of buildings that can be erected are influenced by Terra. Holders can propose and vote on introducing new architectural styles, building utilities, and infrastructural innovations.

Market Regulations: Terra holders play a pivotal role in shaping the operational dynamics of in-game markets. This includes influencing vendor allocations, product offerings, and pricing strategies.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Offerings: Terra stakeholders can influence the terms of P2P exchanges, ensuring they are equitable, transparent, and beneficial for the game's community.

Vendor Stand Policies: The allocation, design, and operational guidelines of vendor stands within the game can be influenced by Terra holders. This ensures vibrant and diverse marketplaces that cater to the needs of the in-game community.

Land Tax Incentives: As a gesture of appreciation for their investment, Terra holders are entitled to significant rebates on land-related taxes and levies.

Staking Privileges: Terra can be staked to accrue a diverse range of rewards, encompassing unique in-game assets, additional tokens, and exclusive land-centric benefits.

Community Governance Empowerment: Terra stakeholders can proactively propose modifications, enhancements, or the introduction of novel features related to S&S. These proposals are then subjected to a democratic voting process, ensuring collective decision-making.

This is only the beginning stages of what Terra will give benefit to.

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and, that's not all my leige...

  • If you stake 20 TERRA within the game, you'll get double the amount of Huge Potions you are getting daily.

Five Huge Potions are given to a player on staking 300K DBLN on daily basis. Every 300K increases 5 Huge Potions in this number, and having 20 TERRA staked doubles that number- 5 becomes 10, 10 becomes 20 and so on...

Potions give HP(Life) to your character which consumes in fighting with monsters.

  • On staking 50 TERRA, you'll get Stone Wolf, Stone Ravens, Baby Golem and can use "!caststoneguard" command.

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Players buy normal Ravens and Wolf that collects Small (25 HP), Medium (75 HP), Large (175 HP) Potions and DBLN tokens for the them.
Stone Ravens and Stone Wolf collect more of these potions and DBLN tokens for the player.

Fighting monsters is what helps players going up in the levels of the game.
Players have attack and defense skills which help them fighting monsters.
Baby Golem adds its attacks with the player's attacks making the attacks more powerful.

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As you keep playing, Baby Golem keep getting trained and become more aggressive in attacking the monsters with more and more attacks, helping you moving up the levels faster.

some other perks of staking TERRA...

  • 50 staked TERRA: Use !caststoneguard which lasts an hour and protects against everything except golems. 30 minute cooldown

  • 100 staked TERRA: Use !miniearthgolem command on other players.

  • 150 staked TERRA: Players will be rewarded 10 gargantuan potions daily. Each 150 staked TERRA will add 10 more potions.

  • 200 staked TERRA: Unlocks Earth Golem, and Stone Wall spell and player/s' Dragon will turn into Earth Dragon which is 3 times more powerful than the normal Dragon. Players can also use !colossalgolem command.

  • 350 staked TERRA: Players get to use RAWK, works like Ravens and Wolf but unlike them it'll bring Huge (400 HP) and Gaurgantuan (1000 HP) potions.

  • Buying TERRA before 15th of October will give the players an airdrop of SEA in 1:1 ratio. SEA is also an item/token just like TERRA with its own perks which will be revealed soon.

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Where to buy TERRA?

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How to start playing S&S?

  • Go to Serfdom & Sorcery Discord
  • Next, go to #register-here channel.
  • Write !register and enter.
  • Reply with Hive and enter.
  • Reply your HIVE ID.
  • Choose your expertise among Nature, Pillager and Combat. Reply with it, for example, "nature".
  • If you are referred by someone, reply the next prompt with his HIVE ID, otherwise answer "none".
  • That's all, you're done. Start playing the game.
  • Enter command !tutorial for getting the list of commands for playing the game.

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