What’s happening in Crypto this month / september

With so much drama in the Crypto space; it’s kinda hard to keep up with it all (to paraphrase a famous rapper). So I thought I’d give the run down on this month’s main events:

Let’s start with Komodo: The team is bringing all the improvements that they´ve been working on since 2014 in superNET collabo to the komodo platform. How to view superNET versus Komodo? Think this analogy fits the bill: SuperNET is like Microsoft and Komodo is Windows – the platform where all features are being built on. They are making a big announcement Friday the 8th of Sept. Here’s some of the projects details:

Steemit What is Komodo / Supernet you say?

Qtum is releasing their long and highly anticipated mainnet this will greatly speed up the projects that have already confirmed to be on their platform. There’s a lot of great research on this project and yours truly has written some stuff on it too; find that here:

and on steemit

Ethereum is going to have a hard fork (splitting of the network) to make some major improvements to their blockchain. They are calling it Metropolis so you know it’s gonna be big (love this name btw).

Following news that China's regulators are looking into ICO’s (sales of new cryptographic tokens), the bitcoin price fell to a weekly low, bitcoin had declined to just above $4,000. September 5th showed the resilience as markets recovered.
Actually don’t know why the markets are reacting negatively to the China news when in the long run this is going to benefit most investors as the ‘wild west’ effect gets taken away. As a consequence there has been a refund of past ICO’s. This is also where you see the sheer quality of the blockchain shine through as it took only 7 hours to refund the investors of 4 major ICO’s some of which happened multiple years ago. Funny thing is most investors didn’t want their refund since the made healthy profits on great projects.

But please do be careful. I read about someone who was too eager to get into an ICO and lost 20k. Do the research.
Central organisations and governments are just figuring out what we’ve all known for quite a while now: crypto is the future. As they are coming to grips with this tremendous ‘phenomenon’ there will be some volatility in the markets for the foreseeable future, wise man says: HODL!

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