Steve Shives is Proof we're living IDIOCRACY (9/11 edition)

Steve Shives embodies all of the worst characteristics that could be found in someone who supports the Government's official narrative on the events of 9/11.

He uses slander and denies video evidence while claiming the "truth movement is ignoring evidence they don't like."

If Steve Shives is unknown to you as he was to me, it's not important as I'm sure you've heard the same rhetoric he uses (just probably not in such an ignorant way). In fact I only discovered him while I was searching for video footage for an unrelated project.

To Steve's credit, he is a successful YouTuber with over 54 thousand subscribers but I quickly found out, after discovering him, that other big YouTubers like Undoomed, Sargon of Akkad, TJ Kirk (aka Amazing Atheist) and many others have created videos on exposing his hypocrisy, among other things.

Luckily for me, since I don't create videos unless I have something new to add, none of them touched on his 9/11 stance. So I jumped at the opportunity, as this one highlighted video of his, provides a multitude of opportunities to share footage and reports from that dreadful day.

So I hope you enjoy this response video showing Steve's childish ignorance, massive hypocrisy and yes, even lies!
(19 min video)

Try as he might, to turn the 2006 cult classic Idiocracy into a documentary,
but it will always remain a great comedy for some of us! 76.png


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