3 Key Off-Page SEO Methods

While on page search engine optimisation is definitely one of the key methods that a website user can utilise to improve the website's visibility in search engines, off-page SEO is still important as it can give you the edge over your competitors. The one thing with on-page SEO is that it usually requires technical skills. Why is this? Because a lot of people aren't developers. Developers are often needed to make the little tweaks that make a site excellent.


What if your Dev friend has already done on-page optimisation? Where do we go next? How do we improve our 'search engine goodness' even more? Off-page optimisations are the next step. The results you will have to search for are one-way backlinks. Why? This is how many major search engines decide where to place your site in that search result.


So how do you go about gathering backlinks? It's certainly not easy, but it's definitely less nerve-wracking than writing code if you aren't that technically inclined. Here are some off page SEO tips:

1. Article Marketing

As the old saying goes, 'Content is King', and this certainly still rings true to this day. Everyone is scavenging for the freshest and meatiest information available at that time, and having this will make back links flood the gates! It definitely helps if you are a keen writer, like me!

Know how to use the resource box, make sure that your website/article linked on these directories is relevant to the article you have submitted, otherwise this won't be so worthwhile!

2. Forum Participation

Look for relevant forums to do with your website's content, and dive right in, sharing information that will be indispensable for members of said forum. Here, we can use the signature of our posts to work for our SEO campaign. Make sure to keep your footer simple and straight to the point, make sure it conveys the message/essence of your site and is still easy and simple to read. Make sure it is a hyperlink so people can just click on it to visit it!

3. Blogging

Blogs are the main weapons for SEO experts nowadays. Aside from the fact that with WordPress and other solutions that they are easy to manage and setup, they are also easy to style and keep up to date. Another good thing with them is that they don't require a very formal tone, which is what many readers prefer. Informal dialog which can be accomplished using the comment feature of these solutions, and through replies from the author. This has an added bonus that it keeps your blog fresh and updated with constant new content streams. Maintaining a blog relevant to your content will make sure that Search Engines give your site some brownie points, but don't forget to make a link from the main page of the blog to your main site.

The secret to success with these methods is to be consistent. Submit quality articles to websites two or three times a week and regularly update and produce content for your personalised blog. This is a surefire way to make your website stand out. Forum participation should also be done frequently as it will not only help keep up your sites popularity with search engines, but also allow you to glean knowledge from it too! Also, if you really despise any of the methods, the plan B is just to pay someone to do them for you!

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