Will Senegal become new tourist hotspot?

When it comes to tourism Africa, the first countries that come to your mind will probably be Egypt, Morocco, South Africa or maybe Kenya but there are many other African countries that have a lot to offer to potential visitors.

Senegal is definitely one of them. Home to about 15 million people, this Western African country boasts numerous tourist attractions of all kinds. It has countless beautiful, pristine and empty beaches that stretch for long miles, completely crowd-free.

View of one of beaches in Senegal. Source of this image is Wikimedia Commons where it is licensed under the Creative Commons and thus designed for free public use.

Senegal is home to many superb nature reserves and national parks that every wildlife enthusiast will enjoy.

This African country has also several places that serve as a sad memento of its dark slave history, such as the little island of Goree. A site of countless transfers of slaves from Africa to America, the island has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1978.

Senegal has one of the most beautiful pink lakes in the world. The salt content of the famous Lake Retba reaches incredible 40% in some areas.

The baobab is one of the most iconic symbols of Africa and Senegal boasts entire forests made up from these remarkable trees. Unlike in some other parts of Africa where can usually find just baobab solitaires, Senegal baobab forests are very dense and lush, making it an excellent place for some nice forest bathing.

View of a baobab forest. Source of this image is Pixabay where it is licensed under the Creative Commons and thus designed for free public use.

Africa is often associated with extreme heat and unbearable climate but Senegal actually has a surprisingly pleasant weather with the temperatures hovering around 30 degrees Celsius most of the time so you can visit this extraordinary country in pretty much any season.

Have you been to Senegal? Let me know in the comments!

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