I am inviting you today to start doing something uncomfortable that will move your life forward.

What?! Are you kidding me?

I'm sure this is what you are thinking right now. Hear me out first and do kick that thought out before it consumes you even before you start reading this post.

Being uncomfortable is never easy and it has a certain degree of pain to it. The pain may not hurt us but it is good pain that helps us step out of our comfort zone .

So what is stepping out of our comfort zone or what is doing the uncomfortable?

  1. Ever gone bungee jumping but the fear of height holds you back? Well, the moment you jump off that cliff is you stepping out of your comfort zone.

  2. Been to certain parts of Asia and trying out their exotic delicacies such as cockroaches, worms and millipede? Well, that too is doing the uncomfortable.

ok! Maybe the first two example maybe a little drastic, let me tone that down.

  1. Hate vegetable? Especially the greens? The moment you decided to start eating them is you stepping out of your comfort zone.

Well, these are just examples, because all of us find discomfort in different things, but you get the idea, right?

So why do I invite you to do the uncomfortable?

This is because most of us don’t want to be in an uncomfortable state neither do we want to do something uncomfortable, so we subconsciously run away from it.

I am sure you feel that "There's nothing wrong with being comfortable?"

Nothing wrong you say? When we refused to step out of our comfort zone, we are constraining ourselves in one spot and refusing ourselves from improving and growing.

The world is so big and there are so many uncomfortable experiences yet we only choose to participate in ones that we are most comfortable in; have you realized how much more are we missing out? Imagine missing on life’s greatest once in a lifetime experiences; instead many of us choose to wind up getting stuck in an endless "I'm doing just fine here" cycle.

It’s 2019, you may be in your early 20s, late 20s, 30s, 40s but all this doesn't matter at all. Are you not tired of dealing with the same types of problem and being in the same spot for years? Imagine being stuck there for another 20 years?

Hate the sight of it? Then it’s time to break the cycle and began by embracing discomfort in your life. Every single mistakes, every single heartaches, and discomforts is a stepping stone to the next level. How many more levels you need to get to until you reached your goal?

Here are 3 uncomfortable things that you should start right away:

1. Do the uncomfortable things.

Lose the expectation that everything in life should be easier. There are no shortcuts to achieving our life goals. We got to hustle our way thru and achieve it.
So what there are challenges in achieving what you want? Embrace it, fight it, learn from it, be patient with yourself, and and most importantly realized that patience is not just about waiting - it’s the ability to keep a good attitude while working hard on your goals.

2. Repeat! On loop!

Ever heard of anyone winning the game of chess by moving forward only? Think about how this relates to your life.
Sometimes you may feel as if you are running into a dead end and it does not seems to end there? Maybe it’s a sign telling you that you’re not on the right path. Maybe you were meant to go left instead of going right? Even a game of chess gradually teaches us that it is ok to move backwards.

When you feel like giving up? Think twice. Instead of giving up, you can choose to starting over again in the right direction.

3. Keep track on our energy

Don't adapt to the energy in the room, instead influence the energy in the room. When you enter a room and its brings your confidence level down, are you going to give in to that energy?
In order to attract better outcomes in life, you have to become better on the inside.

Always remember to never exchange what you want most for what’s “easiest” at that moment in time.

It’s time to focus on what really matters.

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