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image by myself @sarahlouisejohnsonphoto

There is an old saying "hurt people hurt people". This is something I observe everday, the people who hurt others are hurt themselves maybe they havn't admitted it, perhaps not even to themselves but inside resides a deep pain.
People who hurt people, who are mean or abusive are always coming from a place of deep seated pain within that they are reflecting onto their external environment. They are not really hating other people, they are projecting the hatred they feel for themselves onto their external reality and the people they meet. If you are fully healed everything you see is with love and you would have no reason to cause pain to another, only love and understanding of where everyone is at on their journey.

Everything we see in another is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves what is within so without. You can notice it in yourself when you are feeling joyful, maybe you just fell in love, got a promotion etc everyone you meet that day sees the best of you, even if they do something stupid you don't care, then the day you get up and the world feels against you, you reflect that inner misery onto others, believing them to be the root of your pain. If someone purposely causes you pain, upsets you or hurts you, you can guarantee they are hurting within.

How we respond to the people who hurt us, says a lot about our self love and self acceptance. If we had a healthy self esteem nothing anyone could say to us would make us feel lesser, it is only when we rely on external validation because we don't have a healthy connection to ourselves, that we can be affected by the words of others and the roller coaster of duality can roll on in our experience. When we do not have that deep self acceptance, someone's compliments can lift us and someone's nasty words can cause us to plumet into self hatred, keeping us stuck in a cycle of basing our whole self identity on the way others interact with us. By finding the love within we don't need to get into the painful addiction of such highs and lows because we accept ourselves we don't get unescessarily high from a compliment or low from an insult because we have a healthy relationship with ourself.

Heaven is a place on earth , it's in everything we see because it is a state within reflected outwards, hell is also a place on earth it is our choice as to how we see the world around us. Heaven isn't a place you get to one day and nor is hell, they are an external reflection of you.

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