Our identity is a repression


Please read this small reading guide and definitions before sailing on this streem:

Identity is repression. All we hold onto inside in our bodies in a chrystalised form, reminds us who we are on a day to day basis. People around us re-mind us or re imprint us with who they remember us to be. And those who know how the game works on a more intrinsic level remind people through constant assumption of what they need them to be.

The mind is a subtle instrument. It is not who we are, it is a tool. We live in a world shared with many imprintable vessels carrying repressions and emitting frequencies that imprint the people around them with the world they believe they live in.

Every sleeping is a death, every ejaculation a reset and every breath a death in the moment. Each day we are faced with situations that are attracted to the resonant frequencies of our repressions. The ultimate aim and inevitable end of a repression is release. All identity is a capitalisation of differences. To release repression leaves space for something else and the more this empty space is cultivated and grown as a ready imprintable innocent essence, the greater that vessel's capacity for empathy towards another. Empathy in this sense is to feel the identity or the repression of another within yourself, that you feel their pain and think their thoughts.

Highly sensitive vessels from birth with poor conditioning and a poor upbringing have the capacity or role in society as a gatherer of repressions, holding accumulated repressions projected onto them over time and living the pain another has inflicted by projecting their guilt, shame and regret onto another. With no ready way to release this repression, without the right training and tools of self forgiveness and self honesty, these vessels continue their lives believing they are worthy of or are the cause of somehow in their history of all the guilt and shame that has been projected onto them. They will often over inflate small levels of abuse into large and overpowering levels because they look for a rational explanation for all this undeserved shame. Of course, those with high levels of abuse as a child start long before the take off line, as all the guilt and shame they accumulate can also be referenced with others solidifying this guilt and shame in their body as repression.

Consider the homeless and their plight. Many believe they will be this way forever and have succumbed to just surviving on a day to day basis. What horror it is tombehold that a church will only teach you forgiveness through a god with conditions but not give the world the unconditional gift of self healing through self forgiveness. One way to clear my mind when I lived on the street was to simply get out of the cities. I learned this very early on. I also didn't actively look to make friends or drink a lot of alcohol. I still had ambition and I knew somewhere in my path I was going to use this experience as a door to understand others. I clung to my self trust and my self belief and this as well as trusting my intuition got me through on a day to day basis. I learned quickly to remain in the moment, to avoid unnecessary stress which was a greater cause of pain than a problem itself. I focused on looking normal, I understood then how sensitive my vessel was to projection and the best way to win the projection game is to first project the person clearly that you want people to see you as, both in image and behaviour. Fake it till you make it, is relevant here. People with strong identities that fill almost their entire capacity of their vessel, may never understand this entirely. Life to me was a game of smoke and mirrors which required experimentation and careful analysis to learn the most from my experiences.

I can reset a homeless person with these easy steps: get them into the country, give their mind occupation, give them a space of their own and no violations of privacy, stop alchohol and weed, give them belonging in a community, assist them in realising the nature of identity allowing them to release their past stored traumas, show them a path that works for everyone and give them a valuable role in achieving that. Keeping them away from the cities and putting them with equals is the first step. Their vessels have been poisoned by the involuntary projections of the group mind, they literally carry the weight of the world. They need a reset. If they reenter a city and fall back to an old path, they must always use this method as failsafe and provide them a welcome valued place in a working egalitarian commune. So many are so ingrained in their loop that only an outside force saying there is another world will make them believe it. Of course they have to will it themselves and the greatest magnet of human behavior is familiarity and so some remain in a cycle of abuse due to fear of change. Handouts are not helping a lesser/greater dynamic, handouts create the giver and beggar dynamic which traps them in their status in society.

As it now stands governments have use for a homeless public so as to keep the average citizen afraid of what could become if they fall out of line. This ensures the system retains its cogs and continues its operation. Fear of death and fear of poverty are the two guiding repressions that lock us into this money driven reality. Release these and grand possibilities will open before you, but also great danger.

If abuse victims of all types of abuse find a way above their trauma and can develop methods to block their energy field from accumulating trauma from others, they have the capacity to be the greatest healers in the world. The hole that is left for these people after self realising is a playing field for the possibilities of the known and the unknown universes.

The average herd human in this system is conditioned to automatically shove off repression onto weaker vessels. Most of the projections of the parts of themselves they wish not to deal with are projected completely unconscious. This identifies an ignorance of the vessel of itself as a vessel; an identity based on 'who I think I am'. This is the majority of repressions at this time, one big unconscious automatic system working together for self survival taking down anything and sucking the life out of anything in its path. Our identities are not real until we are conscious of the nature of the vessel. Like in the matrix, they are just wandering personalities with no link to the true eternity of reality. This system births souls that become self realised, it is the fertile ground for self realisation. It offers all the tools and a physical reality to test the limits and discover the nature of self. We cannot get angry at a system and its ignorance, we must be patient with those we see opportunities for flowering and allow a bloom and provide the environment for self realisation. Take parts of them within ourselves and heal them within, then demonstrate the solution and provide a choice to see outside this matrix.

In Love,


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