Self Defense Tips from a Martial Artist

The majority of people in our world are completely unprepared for a sporadic violent encounter. Do not be one of those people. Your life depends on it. Inevitably every male will sooner or later be forced into a violent situation. Below, I will give a basic rundown of skills you need to survive a violent encounter.

  1. Alertness
    You can not avoid a violent encounter if you never saw it coming. Your chances for survival are significantly less after you have already been maimed at the outset of the encounter. For this reason you need to have multiple levels of readiness. For example have a color code system of awareness.

2.Recognize individuals who are probing you
Predators take time to look for a good victim. They probe you, either directly by watching you, confronting you with verbal abuse, or escalating demands. If you look like an easy victim, they will take advantage of an opportunity to attack. Verbal probes often come in the form of random insults. They want to offend your ego to bait you out. Escalating demands are "Hey can I have some money? One dollar, thats it? Cmon man give me fifty at least! Give me your wallet!"

  1. Understand what combat means
    When a stranger has threatened you in an unpredictable matter, and you are unsure of what they are capable of, or they have shown their assaulting cards, it is time for combat. Combat goes beyond fighting. Combat implies one condition of victory: Survive. Survive at all costs, escape if you can, use weapons if you have to engage, and intercept their attacks. A will to survive will take you to a level of savagery you did not know you were capable of. If you must bite, stab, shoot, scoop out an eye, or stomp, so be it. As soon as the attacker has lost the ability to engage you, you must stop, lest you become the aggressor.
  2. Train
    If you do not train you are disadvantaged at the outset. If you are a woman, and you do not train, your chances of stopping a determined male aggressor are slim to none. Train, and do so daily. Constantly probe your mental state for preparedness. Train to act, and react.
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