Self Care Saturday : Starter Pack


Hi friends and internet family! Time for a little self check that you can also do as part of your self care routine. If you don't have one, that's ok but I'd consider creating one to make sure you are taking time for yourself. Set aside at least 30minutes that you can focus on yourself.

  • Disclaimer: I am not a health care professional. Just a military veteran that uses mindfulness excercises and a self care routine to manage my own mental health. Every day I strive for balance, but I'm far from perfect. I am just sharing my routine that might help you if you suffer from restlessness, anxiety, depression, or any symptoms of post traumatic stress and want to take steps towards becoming more balanced.

Self Care Self Check

First part of practicing my self care starts with checking in with myself. I start with physical things I can do that I might have been neglecting or avoiding. If I have to take a deep breath and ask myself what needs to be done then I do that. As a mother of three growing kids, I can get stuck putting my needs last so this is very important for me. My kids usually comes first but I have to set aside at least one day to think of myself. It really is a balancing act.

There is no deed too small to do for yourself. So when it comes to physical needs I'll give you my top 5.


1.) Top priority: sleep. There is nothing on social media or in your favorite TV shows that is more important than allowing your brain the rest it needs. As a human being I believe we have a finite amount of energy that needs to be spent wisely. I heard someone say once that worrying is just a waste of a perfectly good imagination. Use it to dream instead.


2.) Nutrition. What we eat, we become. Hi I'm Stace and I'm a stress eater. This one is my weakness. I go to the gym as much as possible to combat some of the damage I've done through poor diet. But... I know what needs to change. It all starts in the mind. Slowly but surely I'm practicing building up my will power by reducing as much crud from my diet as possible.

But hey, comfort food... What would life be without a good bowl of chili and cornbread! Or whatever comfort food is for you. I could name so many more. Trust me. I've been comfortable for awhile in my eating habits.


3.) Water intake. As much as you can. Not everyone has access to clean water. I'm aware of this so I say this keeping that in mind. I do pray for the day clean water is available for everyone. If you're able to collect rain water or create a filtration system, I think that's a good idea! But that's just my opinion. I love the idea of self sustainability and will keep educating myself on that subject.


4.) Healthy habits. Part of self care is creating the kind of environment where a healthy mindset can thrive. Some things I've been working on are: keeping my chores at a manageable level, decluttering the crud I don't need, and keeping up with the messes my kids make. If I can get it done in less than 5 minutes, I have to get it done or else it's like leaving a bunch of task bars open. Tasks will just build up.


5.) Last but, you know, not least, is some good clean hygienic practices. Not everyone was taught how to care for themselves. Neglected children grow up and often times can neglect themselves out of learned habit. Not saying this is true for everyone but I have somewhat experienced this. Having kids really brought it back to my focus. I want them to have a better life than what I had, that's for sure.

If I don't stay mindful I can neglect a lot of things that can easily be ignored like hair care. Stuffing my hair in a hat or when it was longer, a pony tail is just too easy. Nothing wrong with that! Hair doesn't need to be washed daily. It can actually be damaging to the hair's cuticle to use harsh detergents in your hair daily. Hair care for each hair type is different. And ultimately, it's what works for you. Another important hygienic practice is oral care. Illnesses can start with what's in your mouth. Make healthy choices, as my fitness buddies tell me. One love 🌸

  • Weight loss update: still a chubby bunny I'm steady losing weight. Was 195+ lbs starting weight, currently at 187 lbs. I've got a long way to go but as long as I don't let my setbacks stop me, I can still say I'm unstoppable, right? Lol! Enjoy the rest of your day/night, everyone.


*. All images sourced from Pinterest.

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