A Cup of Joy

   Are you happy? How happy do you think you are? Happiness is a very subjective word. Many people are aiming for it, yet few have experienced it.  For the longest time, I’m in search. In search of my own happiness, of myself. Have I found it? Well, almost. I’m half way there. Why? Because my journey is not yet over, not even halfway. Happiness is a state of mind. Happiness is a choice. Happiness is subjective. I choose to be happy, because and just because I have an option to be happy. At this point in my life I still have many things to achieve, many dreams to conquer and many bucket lists to fulfilled.  It’s true that when you lose hope, you’ll eventually lose happiness. You can be miserable and frustrated on all your failures or you can be happy with the simple things in life.   For many years, I’m wondering why people with disability or people with no means to provide for themselves can still have the most genuine smile. Then I’ve just realized that happiness is a choice even how cruel the circumstances are.  Change Your Mindset, Change Your Action  

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