!Welcome to My Blog Ya Goofs!

Video For Context:   

So you want to know what this blog will be all about?
I'm also guessing that you want to enter the rabbit hole, swallow the red-pill, and become an intellectual big boy?
Well do I have a sarcastic smartass with enough narcissism to make Dan Pena's pussy lips explode (more on him in another blog) that'll happily provide information to you to better your life. Unfortunately I'm as edgy as a wanna-be nice girl saying dark jokes because she thinks she'll get recognition for her uniqueness, but I cannot stress this point enough.
I am just a person addicted to both humor (edgy and regular) and knowledge and ever since I asked myself the question "why can't I use my skills to both educate people and give them a good laugh as well?", I was off the races from that day forward; Handing out information that can POTENTIALLY better your life. I say potentially in all caps because some people in the future might say that I'm the guru that changed their life, however, I would like to drive one point home. 

That's it! My job, as an influencer, is to guide you to the path that will lead you toward a better life, if you so take it. However, in all this, I cannot guarantee you anything, because once again, everything falls back on you and the decisions that you make in your life. Your choices that you choose today will effect your future; If you so wish to better yourself, learn to make the right calls. and... at this point in the myriad fuck-fantasy of a contemplation you're experiencing, so many "gurus" will now step in and say the following...
"Do you want to make $10,000 a month! Are you having troubles finding women in your life? Do you want to be able to find mentors that will teach you the greatest secrets in their industries?" 
Well time to insert an overpriced course that will most likely give you either outdated info or salvageable shit, just at a price so high you will just end up playing bloody knuckles with yourself and nearly punch a hole in the wall, like I almost did when a bought Tai Lopez's Black Friday 2019 Deal (I nearly broke through the skin by the way).
Now I will be honest (kind of my trademark) when I say that I'll inevitably sell a course, but it will probably end up competing with Udemy, instead of doing what Legendary Marketer told me to do. LM says "mark the price of your course up to $3,000 or $3,500, so that even if you sell only 3 or 5 copies, you will do more than break even!". Yeah, yeah, I'm a morally superior chap (*one single tear slowly falls down the happy side of my face*) and I thank you for thinking of me as such. 

Anyways, that just a bit of my writing style, so now let's get to what you'll get from my blog (kind of the reason why you clicked) 

1. Inspirational Stories from History
From Isaac Newton to Demosthenes; Milton Erickson to Martin Luther King, Jr.; Alexander the Great to Genghis Khan; all of these great people and more will be featured for your pleasure in hopes that a silver of their triumphs can inspire you to go in a similar direction... 

2. Book Reviews and Recommendations

 Now you might be asking, "EM what kind of books will you be reviewing on this blog?" Good question! Now the rant part. Self-development is an extremely vague and over-hyped niche, so much so that people think that the only types of books in it are the inspirational Robert Greene types, but, in truth, this niche can include any topic that can better your life. Let me give you a bullet list to illustrate...  

  • Inspirational Shit (obvious one, that includes anti-guru)
  • Economics
  • Business
  • Survival
  • Psychology
  • Philosophy
  • Finance
  • NLP (Achology in general)
  • Cooking
  • Mythology
  • Social Dynamics (Charisma, Body Language, Picking Up Chicks (UwU))
  • Style (Clothing and Fragrances)
  • and more.....

3. Music Quote Challenge 

At the start of any MAJOR article I'll write, I'll leave a quote from one of my favorite artists to get the brain rattling and ask yourself "who said that!". The name will always be dropped down at the end of the article.   

Ex: "there was blood in my tears."

4. Script's From Scripted Videos

 On major essays that I write, the entire script will be included with the video posted, so that you can either follow along or, if you wish, make a response video in the future, since it would be easier to find the points that I make in a script rather than watching the video. I'll put Script in the title by the way.  

 Corrections From Video

Since Adobe Premiere Pro crashed so much, I had to use a somewhat outdated video and flawed points, so instead of starting fresh, I decided to keep it a flawed piece, so that my content can be improved over time. Better to have flaws at the start to correct than a hyper-perfectionist all the time (maybe?). Anyways, here is a list of corrections. 

1. In the video, I said that I won't be LeafyIsHere, but the rant videos will cover popular drama topics (Ex: Onision's Child Predator Allegations) as well as things going on in the self-development industry (Chicken Noodle Soup for the Soul Cult). In the matter, and in combination with my aggressive cuss-word throwing ass you have a hypocritical disaster of a worthless promise. (Sorry guys, I'm flawed) :( 

2. Commentary videos will mostly be off-topic, unedited clips of either me sitting down with a microphone with gameplay from popular video games which I enjoy; or it will be me in the woods with my camera, walking my dogs talking about life, Bear Independent style. 

3. If I ever travel vlog (BIG IF, cause I prefer modesty to showing off to others) it will mostly be absent of my face, other than a mask. I do this for two reasons. First, I value my privacy a little too much. Second, what usually happens when a major breakthrough occurs in people's lives, they associate a persons face with said breakthrough and say that that person caused the "bettering" of their life. In reality it was you the whole time; My job is an influencer, NOT A GURU; meaning, I can only lead you to a path that can POTENTIALLY cause a better outcome in your life. I can make predictions on the outcome, but I cannot guarantee anything without proper evidence or argumentation! If I ever fail at this, please hold me to the fire!

 4. Self Development and Rants will not take place in the woods! COMMENTARY WILL and it isn't always going to happen!   


I'm terrible at on-the-moment unscripted videos, so be prepared ya'll! Hopefully you guys enjoyed the content I produced and are prepared for what's to come, and, for what it's worth, have a great rest of your day!  


Escalating Minds 

Video For Context:    

Artist: XXXTentacion

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