You are the best you've got, keep believing in yourself

There are going to be be days when you get up in the morning and things aren’t the way you had hoped they would be. You will see the sky blank when everything showed it should be blue. Your water will seem hot even when it had been in the refrigerator overnight.

This is the day you need to stand up for yourself against all those seemingly negative events and tell yourself that things will get better. That you are strong and you are ready to face it all.

People will let you down, people will abuse your trust, people will disappoint you. In fact, given the chance people will walk on you....

When this happens, that is the time you must remind yourself to trust your own judgments and opinions, to keep your life focused on believing in yourself. Disappointing is what people do best so just beware and keep believing in your dreams and in your journey.

Who loves a challenge-free life? I am not sure anyone will enjoy a life of continuous sleeping and nothing to worry about. Even if you do, snap out of it for there is no such thing. Be you the queen of England, the president of USA, the prince of Saudi Arabia or the son of Bill Gates, you will be faced with challenges. You will be faced with difficult decisions to make in any direction you are travelling.

This is the time you need to constantly keep yourself headed in the right direction. It is not going to be easy, of course not, but these are the times self discovery becomes eminent. Everybody can eat a pot of chicken soup and go to bed but not everyone can handle moments of failure, not everyone can bounce back from a hard blow. If life was easy nobody would been complaining so toughen up and be ready!

Days filled with frustrations and dead ends will come your way no matter how clear your visions are. You will wake up and be thinking perhaps you have failed in life. You will reach the deepest of your deeps. Don't expect a straight smooth journey because the path of greatness has never been smooth. That is just life for us!

You need to see the challenges as a means to prove your worth. Always and always try never to lose focus of who you are and why you are on the journey in the first place.

It also important to note that you are not competing with anyone else but yourself and if there is anyone to beat, it is yourself. Measure your success by how better off you are than yourself of yesterday.

Feel free to make mistakes but do well to learn from them so as to avoid a future of similar errors. Growth should be a permanent transformation and not a back and forth thing.

I know you are a man of grit so keep believing in yourself and see you at the very top.

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