Dont go to college!

Don't go to college until you have heard another point of view. Our world is changing very fast. Schools are set up in a very old way. Schools are having a hard time keeping up with todays technological advancements. By the time their programs are developed, it has become outdated and they have to start all over again. In the USA, the student just took on un-discharbable debt for an outdated education.

Another aspect to consider is how you learn. If you think you are going to meet a scholar who will dazzle you with lectures until your brain absorbs the content, you will be disappointed.
College Professors are more like book club expeditors. Because they have so much experience in their respective disciplines, they can assemble good books about the subject and arrange proofs for you to demonstrate your level or participation.
If you dont absolutely love what you are studying, it will quickly be forgotten and probably never used. It would be tragic to use so much time and resources and have nothing to show for it except a huge debt. A debt that will prevent you buying a home, a new car, or other big ticket items so many people enjoy. Think deep before you leap...
Before you make up your mind, consider some reasons you should attend. Some people need structure because they have never been good at providing it for themselves. If you find it is not easy to develop these good habits then you will benefit from a professional.
Some subjects require you do it the old fashioned way. There are state certifications, licensing, and board certifications to consider.
A hidden motivator is cost. Because you have invested so much time and money, you feel you have gone to far to turn back or give up. This has helped many people succeed but not exactly for the right reasons. Make sure you love what you do. Life can be very frustrating when you do a job for financial considerations alone. I live a fulfilling life by helping myself by helping others. Try to help people with your talent. It is a give and take. You help them with things they cant or prefer not to do and you get to do what you are good at and enjoy in return. Win, win.
I have been busy lately but will post some more stuff in the future. Hopefully someone is getting a good laugh at my writing or learning something new.

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