Halifax Book Tour: Stuff of Dreams

motivation monday-2.jpgOne of the biggest adventures of my life is coming up...it's my book tour in Halifax for my historical fiction novel Redeemed From the Ashes! This year is the 100th anniversary of the Halifax Explosion.

For those of you who don't know about the monumental yet somewhat unknown event, here's the basic rundown of what happened. December 17, 1917, on the home front of WW1, two ships the Imo and the Mont Blanc collided in the Narrows, a key Allied harbour on the Atlantic seaboard. The Mont Blanc was a munitions ship carrying tons of gunpowder and other flammable explosives. The ship was on fire until it exploded. The force of the detonation flattened the city of Halifax. About 9000 people were injured and another 2000 people died.

Back when I self-published last year, I was determined to set up a book tour in Halifax. It seemed incredibly daunting at the time. I'm unfamiliar with all social events and key media outlets in Halifax. How would an unknown self-published author pitch the necessary components of a book tour in Halifax?

I did a lot of calling, emailing, and Googling to find the places where I am now booked to speak and do book signings. I looked up book festivals in the Halifax area to find the Word on the Street festival, the largest book and magazine festival in Canada. It's not only found in Halifax but also in Toronto and Vancouver.

Then I called Chapters at the Mic Mac mall in Dartmouth (right across from Halifax) to book a book signing and have my books there on concession.

Last, I was certain that the Maritime Museum, which has numerous exhibits on the Halifax Explosion, Titanic, and other events, would be doing something special for the 100th year anniversary. After waiting a few months for a response, I was rewarded by being asked to give a talk and do a book signing. https://maritimemuseum.novascotia.ca/event/redeemed-ashes-novel-halifax-explosion-leah-lindemann

I'm currently working on breaking into print, radio, and tv.

Being a self-published author isn't easy. You have to do a lot of research and be your own secretary/assistant. Expect rejections. However, if you work hard enough, know how to effectively market yourself and your work, and keep enduring, you will be rewarded.

In about three weeks, I'll walk the streets I've dreamt about, see the places I wrote about, and meet wonderful readers. I know this is just the beginning....

P. S. If you're wondering how to pitch prospective media outlets, here's a blog post I wrote on how to pitch properly: https://leahlindeman.wordpress.com/2016/06/24/no-questions-asked-the-six-essentials-of-a-pitch/ This was before I was introduced to Steemit:)

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