Upmewhale writing contest! Restricted & Unrestricted Internet - Freedom World


Venezuela is geographically north of South America, for many, this country is seen as a power in many aspects, however today we find ourselves with subtle, and not so subtle, deficiencies that of some way they affect society.

One of the things that affects us directly and silently, that have been subtly imposed is the restriction of the Internet, where most people do not realize such blockages, and that within a controlled entity they have accustomed us to live from that way of searching for non-sympathetic news before the entity that is passing through, it is a secure blockage, the limitation of bank account movements outside the geographical area, is a reason for blocking and giving explanations of inappropriate matters .

Technology today is equal to power, the Internet is equal to power, that results in rulers seeing it as a vulnerability, because it can be used to deal with abusive states. The political conjunctures in Venezuela have made the citizens adopt necessary mechanisms to stay informed beyond what they want us to see, mainly interrupting the information at any of its stages, people look for options from changing the service provider, to changes in the IP.

On the other hand, the telephone companies provide you with a data plan that does not help you to the high demand of the necessary use that a person needs at the time of a certain use of work, for example a freelancer, not to mention that also There are blockages of these companies to avoid fines.

Now in Venezuela there is a very evident gap in Internet access in which it has been reported since many years ago, and the country of the connected is a low zone in numbers of inhabitants who freely enjoy the service, it can be said, with a industry focused on services and shops, while the disconnected country is the majority of the dependent inhabitants, but today both areas have been affected by the lack of maintenance of the service until reaching the point that the real restriction of the Internet is the total lack of this, when there are no responses to citizens with numerous claims of such service, of the lack of material to reintegrate access to the connection, it could be said that the lack and disinterest of telecommunications investment can also be a way of control and restriction.

Currently in Venezuela there is the RESORTEMEC law, article 27 talks about basic logical prohibitions for the web, however this point is abused to arrest those people who do not agree with their ideals, hindering work of the people criticizing and guaranteeing impunity to those who support them, also the lack of information makes every citizen ignorant of their rights, just as Simón Bolívar said: "An ignorant people is a blind instrument of their own destruction."

First of all I want to thank @upmewhale for organizing this contest and allowing us to share our point of view on this controversial issue such as: Restricted & Unrestricted Internet - Freedom World

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