Upmewhale contest entry: restriction of pornographic websites?

Hello friends Steemians, this is my entry to the contest organized by @upmewhale Post that deals with our opinion about restrictions on the internet.

The opinion I want to share and explain is that of blocking the main pornographic pages (xvideos, pornhub and youporn) in Venezuela.

To put ourselves in Context in Venezuela, the main internet provider is CANTV, a giant company to which more than 80% of the market belongs, this company was born from a private investment but then the state bought it, but in 1991 it was privatized again and it became one of the best telephone and internet companies in the world, but in 2007 it was necessarily bought by the government.

De cantv - Trabajo propio, Dominio público, Enlace
It is important to know who is the main internet provider in the country to understand the magnitude of each restriction ordered by the pseudo-president a.k.a dictator.

In the second, Venezuela works through ministries, with many of these bureaucracy-filled ministries that not only increase public spending but hinder the proper functioning of any social process.

One of these ministries is the “Ministry of Popular Power for Culture” whose minister is Ernesto Villegas, a pseudo-journalist, who criticized a newspaper via twitter where they praised and congratulated Viktor Rom, a gay pornographic actor who works outside the country, who He has received several awards for his performance in this area.

Viktor Rom
Obviously Ernesto Villegas's criticism came with a blockage of these web pages.

“This appeared today in one of the pro-Yankee newspapers of #Venezuela. The antivalor as a source of pride. Your vote is a tool so that this conception of the world does NOT prevail. Make up your mind. ”Says the minister. The newspaper reads: "Venezuelan porn actor Victor Rom won a prize at the Prowler European Porn Awards, in the category" Best Daddy ": gala held in London a couple of days ago, Rom left the name of Venezuela on high and the Latino community. ” Source

My opinion

Is it necessary for the opinion of a Minister that has nothing to do with telecommunications to decide to block websites?
This seems to me a total abuse of power, using the largest provider in the country to block web pages due to whims of ministers without any foundation, obviously this blockage; Like many others we had the ass lining, there are many other options to see this content or simply using VPN’s.

Venezuelans are experts in using tools to avoid these restrictions.

This case of blocking pornographic pages is only a reflection of how politics is carried out in Venezuela, for example opposition news portals suffer temporary blocks such as "El Nacional" and other permanent blocks such as "Infobae".

News and pornographic websites are not the only ones that suffer blockages, social networks such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. They also suffer temporary blockages for personal reasons of some government leader.

And so it is that politics works in Venezuela most of the decisions are made for personal issues, even in critical sectors such as Health (which I know closely, I am a doctor)
It is outrageous how politics is carried, everything is despotism, personal tastes, waste of money, bureaucracy, homophobia, misogyny, etc. All disguised as socialism, I say disguised, socialism is like that!

On the other hand I would like to comment on a case of restriction that has something puzzled to me, and it is the case of Reddit, a very important social marker worldwide and it turns out that with CANTV you can enter without problems but with other internet providers such as Movistar you cannot and there is no information in this regard, if this puzzles me that a private company without interests in this website has it blocked without government orders, what would be happening in this case?

From! Original: reddit.comVector: Svgalbertian - Own work, based on: Reddit logo.png, Public domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=46596445

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