Restricted & Unrestricted Internet - Freedom World by @electrodo.


Restricted & Unrestricted Internet - Freedom World by @electrodo.

Hello everyone on steemit! Is electrodo of Margarita for the world.

Greetings to all the existing poets and writers in this community.

This writing is about my opinion on the freedom that exists in the use of the internet and corresponds to the invitation made by @upmewhale. Here I leave some lines that I want to share with you, I hope you like it from my heart. [Once again I apologize, it is a bit complicated and difficult for me to publish on the phone.]

Worldwide, the last decades have been marked by information systems, automation and internet, I would say, displacing library systems and use of bibliographies. There is no doubt that he or the internet has reached rapid "searches" which comes to us that the internet is not everything but the process of thinking and discernment of information. But it has monopolized most databases and today is everything.

This would lead us to rethink access to government books and policies so that the Bookstores can acquire Quality Books for sale for everyone, these plans would be excellent proposals. It is not a denial of information systems but a search for etymological and epistemological origins. Alternatives that are always in the biggest and smallest places in the world.

In Venezuela there is currently censorship, which can only be overcome with reality analysis, with intelligence and new political forms of direction for the country. Now, it is worth questioning with what tools? when there is no technical production in the country, there is no own production and it is no longer a matter of internet, it is a situation of economic and social decline by the regime that currently governs. The most successful demands of the people in Venezuela have been achieved without internet and I cite the case of the Caracazo, we could even talk about the independence process; On the other hand, there is no written press that was a very effective tool to become bulgaries of professionals with multimedia texts downloaded at some point on the Internet but we must go further and expand information expectations.

Now, through the internet you have to be extremely careful because it does not guarantee effective information. But it can be used as a complementary or support tool, there is no doubt about it.

Very advanced countries in Distance Education such as Germany returned to Modular education since the role of the teacher in the educational process does not have to be ruled out Sounds obsolete! It's possible. I think the Greeks would not discard this paper. The Internet must be an instrument never censored but very well carried out with trained instructors.

In order to avoid the communication blockade, there are proposals to install an interconnection system outside the country to make the communication and information system effective.

Equipment for educational actors of teams for this purpose and effective in the proper handling of information. Global initiatives to offer the Internet will be beneficial for countries like Venezuela, of course, there are proposals but I insist there must be global initiatives and access to information processes.

Recall that they have not completely removed the Internet, they only block what power does not want to reach people, they also reduced access capabilities, less megabytes or power to access networks. Finally, the satellite alternatives will take the necessary turn so that after the crisis countries such as Venezuela can have better and greater freedom to use the Internet.

Thank you for your attention. This is my participation in this great contest. Best regards.

A hug to everyone.

Blessings to all on this day @electrodo.

I say goodbye thanking him for accepting me as one of you and this is just an open mouth of so many things and anecdotes that I could tell you about my days, there are those who say that if I started telling my life I could write a book that I have more stories than condorito, lol ...

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